IT ignorance in movies

allllec said:
Any film where they zoom in on an image or CCTV footage. firstly - all with the keyboard and only a couple of key strokes? huh. lol. and also the stupidly high amount then can zoom in and still get details from it.

makes me cringe.. as to some of the other films mentioned like Hackers.. god i hate being a geek. what i like is people at my old school used to think that it actualy happend like that.. on the upside they thought i was cool becuase appearently i could do it lmao.

I was just going to post about this. Then saw your snippet. I watch CSI a lot and the whole lab thing makes me laugh. The monitors and computers all with the fancy GUI and coloured letters on screen etc.

The ability to enhance beyond the boundries of science, pixelated images to find out the "card number" on a credit card that someone was holding 50 yards away.:rolleyes: Please...... Love the show, but can help thinking about this..

Another good example. Not sure if has been mentioned is Bladerunner. The scene where Ford is in his apartment looking at some images and telling the computer to zoom and enhance, it can even rotate slightly to give detail to stuff beind things, now thats:rolleyes:
R0551 said:
At least in one of the matrix films they actually used a proper system to break into a mainframe using the proper commands.

What gets me is the fact that in movies, nearly every computer can read the same media wether it be pc or mac.

It's the second one I think, she uses Nmap. The console version too, no GUI!
Chris1712 said:
Hahaha, awesome thread.

I think my favourite atm is transformers.

"Can you hear that? THEY'RE HACKING THE NETWORK!!!"

Obviously the HDD spinning up faster ;)

Wang Computer said:
I don't believe anyone has mentioned the fantastic Hackers yet.

It's brilliant! Proving geeks are far-and-away the coolest members of society, hacking provides huge enjoyment through its depiction of lush, computer generated play worlds and finally, wooing Angelina Jolie is as easy as discussing CPU architecture. Class.

The soundtrack was pretty kewl.

Die Hard 4 had some pretty moronic computer scenes. They almost ruined the whole movie infact :(

"It's an e-bomb"... yeah. Did the script writer just make that term up? Don't give up your day job!

"I got a red flag over here.." What the hell? What sort of moron says that when their IDS and/or Firewall are going nuts?

But similarly, some movies pull it off quite well. The computer scenes in Behind Enemy Lines are some of the best I think. They don't try to make it sound too over the top, but hit the right balance. A lot of it comes down to the actors. So many movies choose geeky looking actors to be the computer nerds and usually it is just cringeworthy (see The Core and "The Rat") viewing.
Can't beat the Hacker's 3d file system that users fly around.

Because 12 years ago, computers could render stuff like that on the fly, lol!
krooton said:
Can't beat the Hacker's 3d file system that users fly around.

Because 12 years ago, computers could render stuff like that on the fly, lol!

Everything important is held in the "Recycle Bin"
Volcs said:
Yeh, I don't think a film based on me writing shell scripts to turn a set of numbers from one format into a different set for an e-commerce upgrade would do to well at the box office. It's not all dull though - sometimes we get beers when we work late!

...God it's monday tomorrow already.

You know fine well that everyone on these forums would watch it, just to pick holes in the plot.
Chris1712 said:
Hahaha, awesome thread.

I think my favourite atm is transformers.

"Can you hear that? THEY'RE HACKING THE NETWORK!!!"

Yeah, but in all honesty they were using an audible signal to do it.
NathanE said:
Die Hard 4 had some pretty moronic computer scenes. They almost ruined the whole movie infact :(

"It's an e-bomb"... yeah. Did the script writer just make that term up? Don't give up your day job!

yeh i saw Die Hard 4.0 a couple of days ago and i'm still smiling from that E-Bomb statement. :p

i can't watch CSI for the same reason, every episode is just complete tosh ....i can take a certain amount of tosh because it's T.V. but those CSI people just take the michael.
R0551 said:
What gets me is the fact that in movies, nearly every computer can read the same media wether it be pc or mac.
You mean like in real life?

Also, I think you lot seem to be missing the point a bit.

It's not fun to watch someone use a computer, so they have to fluff it up a bit or the films would be boring. It's that simple.
There's a film (forgotten name) about a guy who is playing a game on his bbc computer or something equally awesome, and accidentally, he is playing with US and Russian defences and missiles, creating a war.

Just had a though, think it's called "Wargames".
georges said:
There's a film (forgotten name) about a guy who is playing a game on his bbc computer or something equally awesome, and accidentally, he is playing with US and Russian defences and missiles, creating a war.

Just had a though, think it's called "Wargames".

That was a class film/
I appreciated that in Firewall they actually used Outlook and that the theory he used to take the information from his company was actually plausable, weather it was possible or not I have no idea. But I doubt it's something you could work out and get working first time.
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