18 Oct 2002
"Sunny" Plymouth
Amazing what you can do with a few hours here and there :D

From this ...

to this ...

in under a month, LOADS quieter than Dave, just can't run it for long as the vibrations will destroy the trolley it's on (mate needed his hoist back for a job and i can't move the engine till i get it back :()

Mucho happy bunny with this one, i won't get an ASBO running this one with neighbours!

Starting the bugger will keep me fit though, flywheels weigh in at a shade over 200kgs :eek:
So when this is up and running will it run the electricity for your entire house 24/7. Or is it more to ease your dependance instead?

For all the posts asking what it is, it's a lister engine he's using to generate electricity for his house.
me227 said:
So when this is up and running will it run the electricity for your entire house 24/7. Or is it more to ease your dependance instead?

It's going to run the flat during the day and charge a few batteries to run the essentials (kettle, telly & fridge) overnight.

me227 said:
... it's a lister engine ...

A 1954 Lister to be exact, this thing is nearly as old as my dad :eek:
I was once offered an engineering apprenticeship at Lister-Petter; if things had worked out differently I could have been making the son of that bad boy. Of course, at the time I did point out to the school careers advisor that I wanted to be a Structural Engineer and the fool gets me a position in an engine factory :rolleyes:

How long will that run on a gallon of diesel and how much power can you get from it?
It's a 6/1 diesel engine, but by upping the revs from 650 to 850 rpm and changing from an iron to an ally piston it turns into an 8/1 meaning i can pull 4kW from my alternator.

Not a clue what it's going to use fuel wise, but they use very little. And they run on ANYTHING, diesel, veg oil, even filtered used engine oil.
SB118 said:
Not a clue what it's going to use fuel wise, but they use very little. And they run on ANYTHING, diesel, veg oil, even filtered used engine oil.

Now that is what I can good technology. :)
Nix said:
If you painted it in mustard would it run better?

It could probably burn that as fuel too :D

Just found a reference from a guy with a similar engine, he's using "255 grammes of fuel per kWh", so i would be looking at 1 litre an hour at flat out full load. heh, i drained 5 hours of fuel from the sump on the van last month :D
Dont laugh...but does it have an ECU of some sort to sort out the timings?

Or do you crank it to start?

Look like an amazingly fun project! And a 200kg fly wheel, how on earth did you move it? Or did you do squats at the same time?!
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