It says I can't get 2mb ?

18 Oct 2002
middle of nowhere
My 12 month 1mb contract with Pipex runs out next month. I was planning to move on to 2mb but the BT checker says I can't get it and maybe not even 1mb ! :confused:
When I first got bb my connection was 2mb until Pipex capped it back to 1mb. Also when I'm online the status speed shows up as 2.2Mbps, I always assumed that it showed the max speed of my line, or am I wrong ?

Any ideas where I should contact to help out or am I stuck on 1mb ?
It isn't called the BT Guesstimator for nothing. For my number it says I can't get 2Mbit - which is wrong.

Whats happening is that you've got a 2Mbit connection which Pipex throttle to 1Mbit. Talk to your ISP and it should just be a couple of button pushes their end to up you to 2Mbit.
Mr.E. said:
Also when I'm online the status speed shows up as 2.2Mbps, I always assumed that it showed the max speed of my line, or am I wrong ?

Nope. That's the speed you are connected at.
Stats would be useful, though Pipex should be happy to accept the fact that given you're connected at 2Mbps, it's going to work.
Mr.E. said:
My 12 month 1mb contract with Pipex runs out next month. I was planning to move on to 2mb but the BT checker says I can't get it and maybe not even 1mb ! :confused:
When I first got bb my connection was 2mb until Pipex capped it back to 1mb. Also when I'm online the status speed shows up as 2.2Mbps, I always assumed that it showed the max speed of my line, or am I wrong ?

Any ideas where I should contact to help out or am I stuck on 1mb ?

m8y when you say its shows as connected at 2.2mbs but your supossedly only on a 1 meg connection am i thinking right your getting this 2.2mb info from an icon that shows up under your networking connectyions in windows called 'internet gateway' ? if so that aint your net speed its because you have upnp service running on your router which isnt to do with your internet speed

i maybe wrong but just checking
tolien said:
Nope. That's the speed you are connected at.
Stats would be useful, though Pipex should be happy to accept the fact that given you're connected at 2Mbps, it's going to work.

"are" connected at ?

So its what thought, my line is 2mb but Pipex have capped it at 1mb ?

What stats would you need ?
tolien said:

Attenuation and SNR would be a start.

Nein. CBC IPStream through and through.

i think your wrong m8y, if they have it capped at 1mb it would sync at 1mb or if his line isnt good enough for 2meg but they would sync it at 2mb he would get a hell of a lot of crc errors and a lot of disconnects

afain you cant sync at 2mb and then cap down to 1mb speeds, to keep the line sync with good stats thay would have to sync it at 1meg

MR.E could you send me a screeny of your connection speed which says '2.2mb'?

or post it on here

my email is [email protected]
EnIgMa said:
i think your wrong m8y, if they have it capped at 1mb it would sync at 1mb or if his line isnt good enough for 2meg but they would sync it at 2mb he would get a hell of a lot of crc errors and a lot of disconnects

You're wrong. Pipex used the bulk regrade scheme to upgrade lines to 2Mbps (if they support it), then use traffic shaping to limit the folks paying for 1Mbps to exactly that.

afain you cant sync at 2mb and then cap down to 1mb speeds

You can.

to keep the line sync with good stats thay would have to sync it at 1meg

It's hardly important. If the line supports 2Mbps it does. End of story.

or post it on here

EnIgMa said:
i think your wrong m8y, if they have it capped at 1mb it would sync at 1mb or if his line isnt good enough for 2meg but they would sync it at 2mb he would get a hell of a lot of crc errors and a lot of disconnects

afain you cant sync at 2mb and then cap down to 1mb speeds, to keep the line sync with good stats thay would have to sync it at 1meg

No, you're the one who is mistaken. Of course you can sync to the exchange at one speed and be capped by your ISP at another.

Edit - Think about it like this. My PC has a gigabit network card and is plugged into a gigabit switch (think of that as the 2Mbit ADSL sync at the exchange), but an upstream switch is only 100Mbit (think of that as where the traffic shaping takes place in the ISP). My PC still reports a gigabit connection but the upstream switch limits the thruput to 100Mbit.
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sorry my bad then

i always thought that if your line isnt 'good enough' for 2mb i.e it wont hold a stable connection because of line conditions that it would be sync at 1mb to keep the connection stable

maybe im just thick i dunno, id still like to see the screen of his sync rate to show where it says 2mb connection
EnIgMa said:
i always thought that if your line isnt 'good enough' for 2mb i.e it wont hold a stable connection because of line conditions that it would be sync at 1mb to keep the connection stable

That's not being contradicted here...
There's no rate adaption though, it won't just drop.
Just to point out, I'm using a usb modem not a router.
I'll post a pic later.
How do i check the attenuation/SNR ?
Depending upon your modem and the drivers, the attenuation and SNR may be displayed somewhere in the config utility or monitoring software.
This is the status screen that I was talking about earlier.


In the modem diagnostics this shows.


I cannot find anywhere to check the attenuation or SNR.
toy_soldier said:
The BT guestimator is about as much use as transparent curtains, it claims I probably cant receive 1mb, yet I get 4+mb from Bulldog...

Yes and no. The wonders of attenuation limit vs try it and see.

If it's a Speedtouch 330 USB, there's Dr Speedtouch (google is your friend). You are synching at 2Mbps though...
EnIgMa said:
i think your wrong m8y, if they have it capped at 1mb it would sync at 1mb or if his line isnt good enough for 2meg but they would sync it at 2mb he would get a hell of a lot of crc errors and a lot of disconnects
afain you cant sync at 2mb and then cap down to 1mb speeds, to keep the line sync with good stats thay would have to sync it at 1meg
MR.E could you send me a screeny of your connection speed which says '2.2mb'?
or post it on here
my email is [email protected]
Nope your wrong :p. The fact he is connected at 2272, but only getting 1024, is because pipex is connecting him at 2mb, but using traffic shaping so that he only gets 1mb. I suggested DataScream, as it offers better traffic shaping options compared to IPStream, but Pipex limit connections using their own servers.
Phnom_Penh said:
I suggested DataScream, as it offers better traffic shaping options compared to IPStream, but Pipex limit connections using their own servers.

Does it? That's news to me.

You just rate limit people at the home gateway, from a RADIUS setting.

Mr.E. : Did you pull the cable out or anything? It appears from that screenshot that your line has dropped once at some point...
:confused: Not as far as I know. Does the error count go back to 0 every time it is turned on again ?
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