Its a bird! It's a plane! No, it's a new yellow CryptoClaren!

These just look an amazing buy, such an impressive looking car! Definitely on the list for the next purchase, be interesting to see how you get on, Enjoy!
Very nice dude, congrats :cool:

Great car!

Amazed so cheap to insure in the south east its almost impossible to get decent insurance for McLaren F1s. Most are 3rd party only due to how many stolen or written off :eek:

I only know of one other Sicilian Yellow 570S Spider, most people seemed to go for Volcano Yellow if they wanted a yellow. Certainly not a colour you see every day! Enjoy it, chalk and cheese compared to the Aventador as well so a nice change.

These cars are absolute bargains at the moment. I need to scratch the Italian itch next but then no doubt I'll be straight back in a McLaren, especially if the values stay where they are at the moment!!
Excuse me for being rude and I know this has nothing to do with how cool that car is, but I'm an enquisitive type. That's a 90k+ car but from your driveway you don't live in a mansion. Do you mind saying why you chose to splash cash on something that will depreciate so quickly vs other ways to make money...

I guess since it's motors forum, it's for the love of cars and the price of the car may well be a drop in the pond to your bank balance, but it's strange to see a McClaren sat in your average suburb..

If I was rich I'd definitely buy a McClaren over a Ferrari or Porsche. Great choice.
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Do you mind saying why you chose to splash cash on something that will depreciate so quickly vs other ways to make money...

Comes down to, why not? Whats the point in making money if you arent going to enjoy it.

Without wanting to show off, my financial situation is very good and I like where I live, given most the time its just me on my own living here, I have no need or desire for a larger or more glamourous pad.

Though part of the reason of trading "down" was to pull money out the aventador to add more BTL's to my portfolio this year.
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Are you still at the same place? (the CryproLambo didn't fit in the garage)

And tell me it's still your daily all weather driver....

Beautiful car, can't wait to see it at the Meeting!!

Congratulations Jon. :cool:
Comes down to, why not? Whats the point in making money if you arent going to enjoy it.

Without wanting to show off, my financial situation is very good and I like where I live, given most the time its just me on my own living here, I have no need or desire for a larger or more glamourous pad.

Though part of the reason of trading "down" was to pull money out the aventador to add more BTL's to my portfolio this year.
Fair enough, I didn't think where you lived looked bad, it's just the norm for society to spend more on homes than throw away (kinda) items.. Thus you generally don't see supercars on your average driveway.. I wish I could.
So ive taken it out for a decent drive this weekend along a well known route.

Initial impressions.

1) The AV was very heavy on the steering, very planted and reassuring. This on the other hand is like a go-kart. Thats not to say its bad, but its completely different, you feel everything and the front end is super light and pointy. It re-assures you in a different way that you know what the car is doing.
2) It appears to have a noise from the front left somewhere when going over bumps or potholes, kind of sounds like a boot is lose one side and when it compresses the air get slopped out. Will have Macca check this.
3) Holy **** the click on the paddle shifters is annoying as hell, cant believe I didnt notice this on the test drives. The AV had muted but tactile feel, this one is obnoxious, that will have to be sorted somehow.
4) The power delivery just brings a smile to your face. Its composed and civilised but when the foot goes down oh my word its relentless.
5) The positive comments are absolutely insane. Everywhere ive been its drawn a croud of people asking questions.
6) The color in the sun is just spectacular.

So far I am loving it, but am not enamoured by it. It's a machine built for a purpose, and it does it stunningly well, but it certainly doesnt have the soul of the lambo, thats for sure!

For the money though, I dont think theres anything close right now that isnt an R8. And after continuing to watch the market on those recently as theyve been continuing to tumble, this certainly feels like a much safer buy for a couple of years.
Can’t believe you dislike the paddles clicks as for me it’s a highlight, they are also on a rocker so you can go up and down gears on each side.

For me the click makes me feel more connected to the gearbox so a major positive for me.

Should not be any noise over bumps or pot holes so it’s either the under trays out of alignment or a suspension component, at same time make sure there is nothing loose in your footwell, frunk and glovebox as been a carbon tub means you get more road noise.
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