it's all downhill from here...?



9 May 2005
Did you find a job there before or after you moved?

Im seriously considering leaving the UK as well, to any country in the EU really, but have 0 clue how to find an English speaking job abroad, especially if can't speak the local language!
27 Jun 2006
Not here
Did you find a job there before or after you moved?

Im seriously considering leaving the UK as well, to any country in the EU really, but have 0 clue how to find an English speaking job abroad, especially if can't speak the local language!

I found a job before I left. Funnily enough it was through here :D A member posted in the job section, we talked and 6 weeks later I was there.

I have had a few jobs since then and I still cant speak any of the local languages but I find all my jobs through LinkedIn.
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29 Jan 2008
I have looked at contracts before, it seemed roughly equal money so I tried to get stability of a permanent role, obvs stability is a lie so I won't rule it out this time.

Contract roles at least lets you jump around a bit without damage to the CV and you've had one good workplace right?

So maybe do some 6-month contracts and in the next couple of years perhaps you find another employer/team you like and in the meantime, as a contractor, you're not really as invested in any office politics or other shenanigans - you're not competing for promotions with the salaried people, you're just there to get **** done and get paid.

Lastly, maybe try something like toastmasters - maybe there are some in-person social skills you can improve that could help a bit, it's not too late to make a few changes and perhaps that will both help in your personal life and with coping better in some work environments.
22 Oct 2002
Boston, Lincolnshire
[reading this back it sounds like I'm gonna find a cliff and jump off it, but I'm not, just being honest to try and get helpful responses, don't worry]

[software dev approaching 40]

I had a great job for most of my career, then it came to a natural end.
I've had a few wfh jobs since, but they've all made me miserable, people are so cruel to each other.
I'd find myself sitting at my desk in the morning and feeling deeply sad and fearful before I even turn the laptop on. So yet again I quit my job, I deserve better than this.
I realised how much my professional and personal identity was tied to that initial good job.
I don't have wife/gf/friends/kids. Mum's still about but won't be forever, but if I relocate to spend time with her it would make finding jobs much harder.
I have no drive to keep rolling the dice on these terrible jobs. Seems like it's all downhill from here...

I've done well so far, mortgage paid off, good savings and investments and pension.
Just need to find a way to get through another 10-15 years of it so I can retire.
But what's the point of any of that when mum dies and I've spent no time with her, and then I'm just a guy with nobody in the world who knows I exist.

Has anyone ever felt similar and managed to turn it around, both personally and professionally does any of this ring a bell, and if so, how did you do it?

It kinda reminds me of getting bullied at school, and telling myself I just needed to tolerate x more years of school then things would get better. Seems like it doesn't actually get better lol.

Have you thought of training into something else. Maybe even taking equity out of your house to help pay for it? You have done well to get yourself financially stable so you can in theory now go and do whatever you want?

I am in a very similar position to yourself. I had a really comfortable job and whilst I didn't enjoy it the team and people I worked with were fantastic so that is where I got the job satisfaction from. I worked there 13 years and most of us had 10+ years experience and it worked well. Come 2019 next thing you know we lost a major contract of over 20 years and the place is closed down by the end of 2020. Jumped around for a few years but hated the majority of my work colleagues who were all out of their depth compared to what I was used too and the mess most of the places I was in. The industry I was in the good jobs were dead mans shoes so every job I landed had extremely high staff turnover because you jumped straight into a war zone. It was depressing.

I retrained as a lorry driver as I just needed a exit and have actually been loving the job ever since. What I do not love is underappreciation by the vast majority of people and the pay for what is quite frankly a dangerous job with long hours. What it has done is opened my eyes to what is available and how quickly you can change your career if you want to.

I am in a similar position to yourself in my life too. 38 years old and my mortgage is basically paid off. I am in the process of getting myself ready to embark on training for something similar to lorry driving but on a much larger scale ;). I have my initial medical booked for the 1st August and if I pass that then I will be taking equity out of my house as I will need 60k for training but in 2-3 years time I will be doing a dream job that will have the salary and respect to go with it.

If you can find something to retrain in that will allow you to be closer to your mother and do something you will actually enjoy then just go for it. :)
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