Its new car time \o/

Read your posts and it does not phase me to be honest, you only need to spend 5 minutes looking over YouTube Comments and the like to see the whole Displacement Vs VTEC debates, fanboism and such like. I bought the car because I like it, I love the way it drives and I prefer a revvy engine. Aesthetically I cannot fault a single thing, and while with other cars I can look and think "Hmm, its great but I am not too keen on that bit" I did not have any of that when I looked at, sat in and drove this.

I really wont get into a debate about prices and "what you could have got" and "what car it could have been" I'm not stupid, or on any bandwagons - I loved it, I bought it. Any premium I paid is justified considering my circumstances and headaches I would otherwise need to wade through.

At the end of the day when your on the road, in the twisties, wherever who cares that its a 4-pot that needs to be worked? Who cares about the numbers, I work off the feeling and experience and its spot on for me. I wont sit and preach it to be the best car out there in its class for everyone because that would be ignorant ;)

And its got one off these, so how can you say no!? :p

Looks lovely. Enjoy it, don't total it, and bring it onto the mainland UK for some real fun. :cool:
That's a cracker, great timing too with the sunshine. Awesome sports cars, I love the vtec system but I fully appreciate it's 100% marmite.

No bother, it'd be seriously boring if we all had the same taste.
First of all, Sin, it looks great :) really does, very good choice of colour I think.

As for what you had to say, you seem to be particularly focussed on the fact I have no experience with the said engine, true, but I do have experience with other VTEC engines, such as the one in the old Civic Type R, the one in the Integra DC5 and the one's in 2 different versions of the Prelude. So I have VTEC experience abound, just not this exact engine, which admittedly is a good deal more powerful than any of the previous efforts, but I still know the general ethos, I still have a very good idea how it will deliver and how it will feel. I do not have direct experience of this engine but I have plenty of similar ones.

You also said I had never had my rear in the seat, actually I have, I have been a passenger in one, just not one driven with any enthusiasm what so ever, I was in one for a brief period about 18 months perhaps 2 years ago, it was driven entirely normally though, no VTEC use at all. So I also have some idea what the car is like from a passengers point of view when not been driven hard, i.e. like pretty much any other car really, just lower and sportier. So I don't pretend that gave me any idea what it is like in full VTEC mode, because it didn't.

You make many assumptions about the true extent of my experiences and you seem to be under the false impression I am simply spouting about something I literally know 'nothing' about, which isn't entirely true. If I had said I had driven one I suppose you would have taken me at face value on that, but I would have been lying then ...which I don't feel any need to do.

I have formed fairly accurate opinions many times about things I haven’t experienced, and when the time has come and I have finally experienced it, I have been proven right, or nearly right. Sometimes, I have been quite wrong, of course, but more often than not, I am not, because I know myself and what I do and do not like, well enough, that when I do form an opinion, I can be reasonably sure, it will hold true to me, even if I have not experienced something first hand. Because, I will make an informed judgement based on what I do know, research done, similar experiences, etc.

Also, 20 minutes on Youtube, I have spent a good deal longer than that listening to S2000's alone. But again, you assumed I had not, I have, I just disagree as to how nice the engine does or does not sound.

So no offence, but you might want to check your own assumptions before you try to dress me down in the future. The sweeping statements and wild exaggerations is just my form of humour, but once we get passed that, I can be quite serious indeed.

Moeks, how old are you?

I am 25, why do you ask?
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No seriously, its almost as if you post with a resemblance to an 18 year old Saxo fan boy trying to convince himself that they are the greatest cars ever, but at the same time you actually have a leg to stand on in some ways. I was just wondering is all.
No seriously, its almost as if you post with a resemblance to an 18 year old Saxo fan boy trying to convince himself that they are the greatest cars ever, but at the same time you actually have a leg to stand on in some ways. I was just wondering is all.

Saxo fan-boys are usually barely literate, in my experience.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me, I'm glad they don't in many ways, I imagine it would get a bit boring after a while. But that does not mean I will concede the argument, I never do that unless I come to the conclusion that I am wrong or I change my mind, which I have not in this case, this topic is entirely subjective anyway.

Which I suppose you could say, is a silly basis for a debate/argument ….but, if you read back, you will see that all I did, was defend my point of view against counter points of view, none of which (including my own) are rooted in fact, but opinion. I did not try to convince anyone of anything. If people were convinced by me, then I suggest they read much more about the subject than we have written here, read some facts, watch and listen etc, then make your own mind up. At the end of the day, you will either like the S2000 engine or you will not, if you like VTEC engines generally, I suspect you will like it, if you do not (like me) then you probably won't like it all that much. Is that not a fair assumption to make?

That's really all I have left to say about this.
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A little update which amused me slightly, although the salesman said it was black on the phone, it looked black in the showroom and in almost all light it actually is not Black!

It's Deep Burgundy Metallic which under the right sunlight has the red tone to it. Supposedly a pretty rare colour and I may of been put off looking if told over the phone it was burgundy :D

Black enough for me but a hint of red to make it that little bit different and its all good :)

The sill in this pic shows the tone of red more than black:

/Cryptic writings

So after trying to decipher what you are getting at, basically because you didn't post properly, i'm at blame for allegedly getting the wrong end of the stick?

You still haven't really justified yourself really, judging a car essentially by your experience of being one when it was essentially driving in traffic.

Is it really as simple as:

  • that you've never driven one
  • you've been in other older VTEC based cars but only when they've been pootling around
  • you hate them because you don't like the ideology behind the power delivery

That is your justification?

Jesus, i'm 25 and I can't imagine ever thinking like that about anything.

Hell, I even reviewed a Prius for work the other day and didn't take half the preconceptions you would have done to my test drive, for what is essentially a performance car enthusiasts nightmare.

It wasn't even that bad.
that is farpin gorgeous, great colour and love those alloys compared to the older 5 spokes.

Moeks, i would stop now. Its getting a bit cringeworthy, don't embarass yourself further.
Lovely car. This was originally on my big planned list of cars to own after the DC2, but having owned the DC2 for 2 months I couldn't possibly imagine selling it at the moment. :D

So after trying to decipher what you are getting at, basically because you didn't post properly, i'm at blame for allegedly getting the wrong end of the stick?

You still haven't really justified yourself really, judging a car essentially by your experience of being one when it was essentially driving in traffic.

Is it really as simple as:

  • that you've never driven one
  • you've been in other older VTEC based cars but only when they've been pootling around
  • you hate them because you don't like the ideology behind the power delivery

That is your justification?

Jesus, i'm 25 and I can't imagine ever thinking like that about anything.

Hell, I even reviewed a Prius for work the other day and didn't take half the preconceptions you would have done to my test drive, for what is essentially a performance car enthusiasts nightmare.

It wasn't even that bad.

Well at least I can read properly, you apparently cannot.

Because I did not say I had been in other VTEC cars while they have been "pootling around" ...what I said was that I had been in an S2000 when it was been driven normally outside of VTEC. I did not say exactly what the situation with the other cars was, just that I was using my experience with those and their engines as a basis for my opinions.

Which, if you think about it, suggests I have rather more experience than just been in traffic in them, which I do, I have driven the old CTR and a fifth generation Prelude, I put my foot down in both, had both into VTEC, although the only one I would say I really gave some serious stick, was the CTR. So yes, I do know what a VTEC engine is like, but yet again you make assumptions and do not read precisely what I am writing.

I know these things because I carefully check everything that I write (I do in these situations at least) ...something you might want to start doing. Your last post has a number of errors in it. That says to me that you are sloppy, and imprecise, so little wonder then, that the details of my posts have passed you by. So quite how you can once again try to bring my argument down, when you can’t even read what I have written correctly, much less understand it, I do not know.

Edit: I almost forgot, I also did not say that I "hate" the S2000 or even it's engine, I said I disliked the engine, hate is a very strong word, not a word I would have applied in this situation, so quite where you got that from I do not know.

I do believe that concludes my involvement here, I feel that I am dragging the thread into a private argument now, something I don't really want to do. So unless you really give me a reason to do so, I won't comment further.
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First of all, allow me to apologise for digging this old thread back up.

However, the reason why is that I have been having a read back through some old posts and now that I've been on holiday, relaxed, and gotten rid of a lot of pent up anger and annoyance at a lot of different things I feel that I went a bit over the top in this thread, especially towards Gaijin. Reading back with a fresh head I was a little shocked at just how close to being plain nasty I got, so I would like to apologise for this and apologise to Gaijin for some of the things I said to you, I had no good reason to go as far as I did and I am sorry for that. I have some very definite opinions about these things for sure, as do many of us, but I let my own pride, my own determination to 'win' an argument or however you want to look at it, over ride politeness, civility and good judgement. Sorry about that. I felt I should really say this; it would only have gnawed at me if I had left it.

That's really all I have to say. At the risk of sounding like an Midwestern waiter, have a nice day :)
Thanks for that, I appreciate the sentiment. I apologise if I went a bit nuts too. Just found it very difficult to understand your mindset ;)

Don't worry about what you said, theres plenty of people with sharper teeth in here :p

Have a great day yourself, and I hope you had a nice holiday :)
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