It's snowing

Quick snap from my kitchen window this morning...

Doing quite nicely here now, was abit pants this morning although it did come down quite heavy at around lunch time. Certainly made work interesting and I suspect it could be even more entertaining tomorrow.


Booo! The snow forecast for us tonight has moved further east so no more new snow. :(

Looks like saturday snow is going to disappear as well, maybe even rain. :(
I'm back in Yorkshire (go to Uni in Preston), amazing difference, fair amount of snow here. Atleast 5 inches, probably a couple more which is pretty cool. Might get out with the Dogs tommorow morning and snap some shots up in the woods, fingers crossed weather holds out till next Friday
To the east there is a MASSIVE grey cloud, I think it's on it's way, I've never seen frost like this before too.
Since I'm supposed to be travelling to France via Euro Tunnel early on Monday morning I really want the thaw to happen this weekend. There's a train stuck in one of the tunnels on the French side because of the temperature difference between outside and inside, and the Port of Dover is closed due adverse weather conditions causing Operation Stack to be put in place :mad:
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