It's too hot :(

Trying to sleep during the day due to nightshifts this week and not having much success, will probably go and find a shady spot in the garden and continue kipping there. Just hope I don't get eaten alive by midges! or as I sometimes call them....Ure's! Sorry, delerious with fatigue again.
It's amazing the difference a few hundred miles can make. We've only had a few days of sun bathe worthy weather up here in June and rain, sunny spells and ~17C since.

Bloody Gulf Stream.
Oh the humidity! Just moved my study from one house to the next since our broadband is finally up. Took my phone out of my pocket and it was soaking wet! Hangovercatisrehydrating.jpg
Lucky people!!

Around here it has been raining most days for the last 3 months. Tuesday was exceptional - dry but mainly cloudy and a poor 19C.

Stop moaning and enjoy your luck in getting a summer!!
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