It's too hot :(

I judge the level of heat by which jacket I wear whilst out on the bike. Today it's my leather jacket and I felt fine in it.

Nice day though.
This is ideal weather now in my opinion. Around 22c with a light breeze today, nice and sunny and not humid. This is how summer should have been!
Awful night last night.... Humid + Windows Open + Noisy estate = No sleep

Today Humid + Sun + Bad Head = Ill

Even though i drunk plenty of water, sigh :(
Brace yourselfs for the hottest winter ever as Nibiru approaches with it's brown dwarf star companion. Seriously though, we always get some very warm days in September, every year I always say it's the summer having its last fling before the winter sets in.
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Try living it New Orleans when it's 40+ and 100% humidity. Now that is unbearable. This country doesn't get anywhere near "hot".
I lived there, have you? I can assure you, not everyone has A/C. Even with A/C it can still be uncomfortable.
I lived there, have you? I can assure you, not everyone has A/C. Even with A/C it can still be uncomfortable.

Broken a/c

Hot countries are set up to deal with heat, just like snowy countries are set up to deal with snow. Uk has mild weather all year and the few odd days just isn't worth spending the money

You find very few places that don't have AC.

Then theirs the hole aclmitising, which again as we have mild weather doesn't happen.
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