It's too hot :(

Hate the UK summers as our houses just aren't built for it, insulation may be a great idea in the colder months but end up like an oven in the warmer ones, and with no standard air conditioning in the majority of houses it's almost impossible to remove that heat. Can't wait until the winter returns, far easier to keep warm than it is to keep cold.
My first floor flat was built in 2009. It's relatively cool as having no west facing windows helps. My bedroom at my parents' previous home (built mid 80s) faced SW and it was hell in hot days. I couldn't even have curtains open as the street light outside lit up the room. Had a ceiling fan and two fans to keep cool. But it was impossible to sleep as like trying to sleep under a helicopter taking off.:cry::cry:
Now that I would struggle with.
Anything long on legs and arms in hot weather cripples me.
In shorts and a t-shirt I can take really hot temps and still enjoy it. Well into the 30s

In a suit anything above 20 is unpleasant.
Even a shirt and trousers, I think with the shirt it's the cuffs and collar which trap the heat what makes it particularly bad for me.

The key to that is not to have heavy woolen winter suits. Also you get used to it. I'm one of these weirdos that wears a t-shirt/undershirt before a dress shirt - I find it more comfortable. However, I spent a lot of my live in the Med where it's 30+ for months of the year, it's just conditioning. I'm actually happy wearing shorts in the winter as long as I have a thick jumper and hat.

If it was constantly 30+ here in this country for 1/4 of the year the I agree it would be different - but also we'd build our homes with better seasonal weather resilience. As it is now, it really isn't bad at all.
this is'nt too bad so far, it's like slowly getting us used to what may come in summer. we have those lovely 30c at 3am in the house to look forward to yet ohh no. sat-sun might be getting lightning :)
Saturday looks to be the hottest day of all not looking forward to working in that if the boss isn't around I'll be in the shade

i'm pretty sure the children will be allowed to take their blazers off

or they could all move over here and then they'd be happy to keep them on!
How much are house prices over there by the way? Asking for a friend.

Good grief.

Its like that in Spain at the moment too
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this is fine and normal, it's a normal english summer, 25c and 95% humidity.
just sitting in my faux "pure" leather chair on top of thick newspaper, you know
to soak up my butt sweat, hah.

tomorrow gonna be fun, and very wet. :p
Saturday looks to be the hottest day of all not looking forward to working in that if the boss isn't around I'll be in the shade

How much are house prices over there by the way? Asking for a friend.

Its like that in Spain at the moment too
45? That's dying weather.
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