It's too hot :(

I've had to stop my rigs from folding, and have put fans in front of open windows, and its still awful :(
Pah, I'm stuck in Suzhou, China at the moment and wishing I was back in the UK. Heat here has been 90+ for far too many days now and there is no sign of it letting up, even when rain is forecast. Can't wait for that. Only two more weeks of putting up with this sweat fest :(
Last night it was ridiculously hot I got like zero sleep and am totally knackered this morning. I actually has a coldish shower this morning as I was still absolutely roasting hot :( I'm actually looking forward to getting to work now as they have the AC on full blast at sub zero temps
Every morning at around 2.30-3.30 my home becomes major hot as all the heat that has soaked in during the day passes back out (old thick sandstone walls).

I can actually look at the clock and feel it (hot flushes lol) around that time and I also cannot sleep at times and get up and lie on the settee instead.

I have AC but its not ideal at night due to noise and its not even that hot during the day, its been nice but ok this year.
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My bedroom is east facing so when I get home at around 7am I have to wait for the sun to pass over the house before I can even start sleeping, this is with blackout curtains as well! I can't even open the window because all the noise from the road filters through into the bedroom. It's not nice. :p

I live on top of a shop on a very busy road,right outside is a set of traffic lights and when lorry's ect stop all i can hear is there air brakes,my bedroom is at the front about 10 foot from the road :(

Lovely flat and love being close to my daughter (3 min walk literally) but the road is so busy.
Last night and so far today is much nicer, low humidity. Not actually much cooler, just humidity change.
Why can't we always have low humidity.
Just want it to be a bit cooler now, when you have to sit in a hot room its not nice

Then at night not being able to sleep, meaning the next day I generally feel like ripping someones head off (due to lack of sleep of course)


Sun was meant for being outside, cold drink, sea, pools or general outdoorsy stuff
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it's no cooler in the hot sun.... shade was put here for a reason, days like this.

although that coffee made me sweat a bit :@

It's a good job I have a bunch of 1 litre bottles of water in the freezer frozen solid

Ice cold water <3
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