It's too hot :(


Worst summer ever.
Summer last year in the south estimated we only received ~ 70% of the usual sunlight for that time of the year (due to poor weather) and it sure felt that way when summer never really happened and Autumn / Winter arrived.

We seem to be over-compensating this year... :D
Summer last year in the south estimated we only received ~ 70% of the usual sunlight for that time of the year (due to poor weather) and it sure felt that way when summer never really happened and Autumn / Winter arrived.

We seem to be over-compensating this year... :D
I can't comment for other areas, but we didn't really have a Winter last year either. There were only a couple of days where it was 'actually a bit chilly', and it was still hot and muggy last Summer, whether the sun was out where you are or not :p
I can't comment for other areas, but we didn't really have a Winter last year either. There were only a couple of days where it was 'actually a bit chilly', and it was still hot and muggy last Summer, whether the sun was out where you are or not :p

That's pretty typical for the southern counties like Hampshire though. Heavy snowfall has always been a rare event here rather than the norm.
The weather is lovely at the moment, but the garden is not enjoying the lack of rain! I'm watering as much as I can before the ban comes in next week (12th August).

I understand the need for hosepipe bans, but at the same time it is infuriating when the water networks are pretty leaky...
Justed popped back in for a jumper ,fresh out there,just at that day planning stage ,board wetsuit, rucksack,kindle , hopefully warms up quickly
hmmh yes the water leaks are really big ... PER DAY they do seem to obfuscate the figures when the water CEO's are on the news,
I suppose it's easy to avoid leaks on gas, but maybe most leaks are on rural properties(they should pay more?) that wouldn't get gas

hmmh yes the water leaks are really big ... PER DAY they do seem to obfuscate the figures when the water CEO's are on the news,
I suppose it's easy to avoid leaks on gas, but maybe most leaks are on rural properties(they should pay more?) that wouldn't get gas


I've worked for tier 1 civil engineering contractors for many years, we had framework contracts with several water companies. The amount of leakage work our guys had to deal with more than kept the lights on for the water division, nice work if you can get it! ;)
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