It's too hot :(

Cannot say I'm surprised, we haven't had any meaningful rainfall here for many months. Even when the heatwave abated and much of the country got storms / rain, it stayed dry over here.
Cannot say I'm surprised, we haven't had any meaningful rainfall here for many months. Even when the heatwave abated and much of the country got storms / rain, it stayed dry over here.
I think it will spread, we've had very little here in the midlands.
This tickled me. Misleading is a very generous description!

Abusive tweet directed at weather forecasters
What's the betting it's the same people that did it during the pandemic.
100% for sure, it's not really trolling either though because they genuinely believe what they're saying, at least trolls do it knowing what they say is BS

As for hosepipe bans, there's been no new reservoirs built since the 80's yet the population has risen 20%, I wonder if it's time we built some more especially if it's getting dryer
apparently they were saying 76 was worse
... did wonder if the duration of that/76 and maybe the humidity had made it worse, even if peak temp was lower,
equally, if the peak was relative to this month a higher percentage rise over the normal temp, it might have seemed so, too.
Wasn't around in 76 but these 2 days weren't that bad. It lasted longer in 76 didn't it?

Emptied the 2300L paddling pool as a way of watering my garden. It was a bit old the water and the garden already looks better for it.

Looks like we're getting some rain for a few days here.
In '76, there was no rain for about 7-8 weeks. My mum was living in London at the time, suddenly the rain came, quite heavy and everybody got outside and embraced it.

My Dad tells me in '76 as the steering wheels were made out of hard plastic which burnt hands and horrible vinyl seating - he drove with two tea towels folded over for his hands and sat on a towel. Otherwise his legs would have got burnt onto the seat.
76 was hotter longer .We had hose pipe bans and if I remember right the gov even asked you not to flush loo if you only had a pee -so next one on flushed it -Don't forget in those day the loo flushed about 2 gallon not two ltrs like today.
Didn't get blocked drains so much either.

Well I turned heat on last night - what with all doors and windows open it did get cool by 6.00 so turned it up for 30 min and it was ok -Also everyone should do it just to make sure heating still works.
76 was hotter longer .We had hose pipe bans and if I remember right the gov even asked you not to flush loo if you only had a pee -so next one on flushed it -Don't forget in those day the loo flushed about 2 gallon not two ltrs like today.
Didn't get blocked drains so much either.

Well I turned heat on last night - what with all doors and windows open it did get cool by 6.00 so turned it up for 30 min and it was ok -Also everyone should do it just to make sure heating still works.
76 wasn't hotter but it was longer.
I remember stand pipes in the street in Yorkshire but also the local parks paddling pools full of us kids ,these days they are full of broken glass and general crap ,
Fair bit of fine rain today , really want this swell to pick up ,not worth a surf at the moment but fancy getting wet at least

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76 was hotter longer .We had hose pipe bans and if I remember right the gov even asked you not to flush loo if you only had a pee -so next one on flushed it -Don't forget in those day the loo flushed about 2 gallon not two ltrs like today.
Didn't get blocked drains so much either.

Well I turned heat on last night - what with all doors and windows open it did get cool by 6.00 so turned it up for 30 min and it was ok -Also everyone should do it just to make sure heating still works.
When it gets below 5c outside during the day I may consider turning the heating on, though as I don't have central heating I don't need to do any testing :p
Looking like a sunny spell next week, today though warm and wet loving it.
Cars is all loaded up for the tip ,going to bag a free space at Trebarwith strand after that ,surf has picked up a little

Finally a half decent day that resembles summer. Since the heatwave it's been a endless cycle of grey skies and intermittent rain.

Any of the amateur meteorologists know if this will continue for the foreseeable, or is it straight back to cool, cloudy and rain again for weeks on end?
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