Sun's emerged here. Welcome back sun! Don't ever leave again!Sitting here with a jumper on.
Wind was howling last night! Now its just breezySitting here with a jumper on.
Weather forecast from tomorrow looks very bright for a few days. It's been cold here compared to last week under the clouds the pas couple.
Same - last few days were mega but yesterday there was rain and today is just a bit glum. Weekend looks good though!Weather forecast from tomorrow looks very bright for a few days. It's been cold here compared to last week under the clouds the pas couple.
Rain ?Same - last few days were mega but yesterday there was rain and today is just a bit glum. Weekend looks good though!
Yeah I was surprised too. Woke up and the cars were wet and a bit of drizzle in the air. I was quite thankful as I need to turn over the beds.Rain ?
I cut the hedge 3 weeks ago. And I know we haven't had rain since that at least.
Back to your 11 months of winter already?Was 25. Degrees 2 weeks ago
Today it is 5 and we had a snow flurry this morning.
Was 25. Degrees 2 weeks ago
Today it is 5 and we had a snow flurry this morning.
Critical injuries but not hit by a vessel police say. Although sometimes police stories do change.The Bournemouth beach swimming tragedy - what happened then ? children were washed into pier struts by strong current and their guardian was arrested - no eye witnesses ? )
Didn't you mean to post this (and a few other posters this morning to be fair) in ?
Or were you too hot at 5C?
Same here, it's been nice although we really do need some rainfall, haven't had any substantial rain for what feels like over a monthIts been nearly Wall to wall Sun for 3 weeks here. A few grey mornings. But 20+C every day