It's too hot :(

34 degrees predicted on my phone for here on Wednesday - the grass is already turning yellow here. Forecasters have yet to identify when the heatwave will end.
16c in southwest :-(, takes the pee seriously, Cornwall wouldn't know a heatwave even if it got slapped in the face by one.

It was muggy as hell, yesterday. Had to break out the short shorts. Legs were visible for 1st time in about 11 months. Was either that or stew in my own juices.

If you want sunshine you better git ewt. I hear they all sunshine lovers north of the Tamar... We don't want none of that down ere.
High Velocity 18 Inch Fan ordered. Says its "perfect fan for cooling down large spaces such as warehouses, stores or mechanical garages during warm weather thanks to its powerful speeds" :cool:



One thing's for sure. Fans will be on heavy discount in two weeks.

Why does 30C in the UK feel like 60C in death valley? :confused:
One thing's for sure. Fans will be on heavy discount in two weeks.

Why does 30C in the UK feel like 60C in death valley? :confused:

It takes 10-14 days to acclimatise

More interesting however is
Full hematological adaptation to high altitude is achieved when the increase of red blood cells reaches a plateau and stops. The length of full hematological adaptation can be approximated by multiplying the altitude in kilometers by 11.4 days. For example, to adapt to 4,000 metres (13,000 ft) of altitude would require 45.6 days. The upper altitude limit of this linear relationship has not been fully established
Urgh Friday is looking vicious by current models :| some of the hottest temps right where I'm going to be working on the top floor under a massive stretch of roof angled to the sun with no AC... yay.

EDIT: Though the met model which is usually the more accurate if a slightly older run is a little less extreme.
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