It's too hot :(

Yeah great if you don't require sleep

For some reason I don't mind.
Only when it was hitting 40 in the day did I actually struggle to sleep. My home office was 30+ but I didn't mind really. It's a bit weird.

When I'm not moving (ie no exercise) I can take really hot temps. And can get quite cold. I have my office at 21 in winter.

But when I'm walking, biking, kayaking I get really warm and can overheat easily. When I was in Norway and it was - 2 max. With wind chill on top I only wore 2 layers on top and one on the bottom. But yeah. If I'm just sat in office.. I like It hot.
Bah spring yesterday and then back to winter today leaden skies and the heating is back on. Brrr.

I've had to let two wasps out of my house today, already?
Queen wasps. My dad... actually no they are queen wasps they hibernate as pupae used to find them in the folds of the curtains and whatnot they hatch out this time of year. Watch out for nests which they'll be starting.
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