It's too hot :(

On paper room temp is only 22C (which I think is much hotter than last may but still). However the evenings feel way hotter, sleeping on top of quilt already, I dont usually have to do this in May.

Keeping window open overnight it is pleasant by morning at least. Drops down to 21C by 6am, but that on paper 1C difference has a much bigger "feels like".

Yeah, I feel a big difference just going from 21c to 22c or 23c.
You sound unhealthy... I'm barely sweating and I've been out in the sun all day playing sport.


.... went for a dip in the pool unfortunately we don't have a lido, and the Cam would be risking your health/seineity.
doing sport - Bridge is officially a sport.

the GenZ way - identifying as non-binary temperature enthusiast.
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What a beautiful morning. It was about 15 as I set out at 8am for a cycle, then by around midday I could feel the slight burn on my arms (I'd forgotten to put lotion on...) but it was nice, the post-ride coffee sat chatting in the shade, not too hot, but no chills from any breeze blowing through. Near perfect today tbh.
23c here with occasional breezes. Gardening done. Been to the coast at Heysham for a walk and got some beer and lemonade in. I'm in for a cold shandy before the rain starts. I love that weird tiredness you get from sea air.
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