It's too hot :(

I've tried to create a through draft by opening the balcony doors, but god knows how many flies there are now all trying to bum each other.

flies that come in and fly in circles are looking to mate, they like overhanging areas with shade.

being on the 4th floor I can't open my balcony to many massive blue bottles/meat flies whatever you want to call them bounce off my balcony door as it is.

once stood out there with the door shut and saw one of the massive flies get stuck on a spiders web above my door, the spider didn't even bother going for the wrap and the fly escaped from the web in about 15 seconds of frantic buzzing noises.

there almost as big as bees and disgusting vile creatures
31 degrees and working outside is not fun.

4.5 litres of volvic touch of fruit and it still feels like I need more

I take some off the shelf salts for 'the runs' because the blend of potassium and sodium salts. Effectively being an isotonic lucusade.

I've been drinking shed loads too.. more than normal.
Try being in Vegas. 37 degrees and it isn't even 10am yet :o.

Being in Vegas when it's 37c is immensely easier and more pleasurable than being in the UK when it's 10c less than that. Everything is properly air conditioned and designed to cope with the heat.

The rare times it snows in Vegas everyone crashes into each other and can't handle it whilst meanwhile in Norway everything is fine. Similar concept..
Air con pump broke down on Sunday, new one wont be here until Friday - typical.


Hive just sent me an email saying my home is getting too hot - no ****!

Get them to do something about it,You shouldn't have to work like that.

13c to 30c is ok:-

HSE previously defined thermal comfort in the workplace, as: 'An acceptable zone of thermal comfort for most people in the UK lies roughly between 13°C (56°F) and 30°C (86°F), with acceptable temperatures for more strenuous work activities concentrated towards the bottom end of the range, and more sedentary activities towards the higher end.'
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Really annoys me when work places cant be bothered to air condition the place properly. Hot and humid and full of people sucks
Coming home on the the A628 from Manc airport in a mega jam, my aircon is bust (only blows slightly cold) and the damn mondeo was like a greenhouse.

Inside temp!

That is surely outside temp - almost no car has an inside temperature display.

And if it is outside temp, it's broken, as it isn't THAT warm :p
For those enquiring about AC, I'm using a £280 Challenge unit from Argos. Does the job well for a 4m x 5m bedroom. It adds about a tenner per month on my leccy direct debit, but money becomes an inelastic commodity for someone hot-bloodied like myself even if only on £13k who desires some summer comfort at home.


Work is a different story. Only the important people (read: board room) gets AC. When it's 30C, the fans in our office just blows the same hot air around.
I've started getting the slower trains into different stations as they are air conditioned (Southern into Victoria and London Bridge). The South West Trains cattle cars into Waterloo are sweat filled hell boxes.
27C on the way through slow traffic in Edinburgh tonight, not massively warm but the closeness is simply boggin!!!

My Room is worse with my rig on, my temp GTX780Ti was pushing 80C with only 60% utilisation lol The clouds up here are beggin to drop rain, they look like they have a ton of it too.

My work has never had AC, the best I can muster is turning massive windows we have horizontal and sticking my desk fan at the ledge and drag air in from it. We get others on the other side of the spur to do the same.

Worst is that we all nearly have dual monitor setups with some running two rigs and a server test room beside us taunting us with its AC controlled room lol
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