Went the boozer before only for a couple with the missus, paramedics there some retard woman, obviously too much to drink and heat. Spewing all over the gaff, taken away by ambulance when we left.
Some people?
Its bloody hot in Liverpool tonight 26c at 9:30pm! Need to get very drunk to sleep, its the only way!![]()
Went the boozer before only for a couple with the missus, paramedics there some retard woman, obviously too much to drink and heat. Spewing all over the gaff, taken away by ambulance when we left.
Some people?
Its bloody hot in Liverpool tonight 26c at 9:30pm! Need to get very drunk to sleep, its the only way!![]()
It all becomes clear once you see the location.
Went the boozer before only for a couple with the missus, paramedics there some retard woman, obviously too much to drink and heat. Spewing all over the gaff, taken away by ambulance when we left.
Some people?
Its bloody hot in Liverpool tonight 26c at 9:30pm! Need to get very drunk to sleep, its the only way!![]()
It all becomes clear once you see the location.
That's where our head office is yes.
There are people with lots more than me!
Also, I have access to other forums on here which clock up post count![]()
Sorry but imo drinking alcohol is the worst thing to do if you want to sleep - all that alcohol your body's got to get rid of will hamper a good night's sleep. Try a camomile tea instead.
Can't believe it's past nine and still boiling. Some clouds forming above the skies in West Sussex now - look like they could become thundery.