Looks like it'll be heading here for the end of the month according to the met, "warmer air" it states but that direction at that time of year usually means hot,hot,hot and for the med it'll be in the 40's in all likelyhood, wonder if we'll get a repeat of '2232 on the Med for me. Too warm!
Next time try holidaying on the North Sea. Might suit you better.32 on the Med for me. Too warm!
Next time try holidaying on the North Sea. Might suit you better.
I recommend Skeggie
its too hot, room was 28c last night trying to sleep wasnt fun
You've only got one more day before back to cack!
You lucky buggersLondon already hot at 25C and it’s heading for 31C later
London already hot at 25C and it’s heading for 31C later