It's xmas-a free sound card for some lucky person.

I wouldn't touch your card with a bargepole, its probably diseased and infected with malware and cholera. You can never be sure these days.

This competition is ridiculous, its invalid. The OP has obviously lost it. If you do a competition you should always write up some terms and conditions. This draw was not fair as people double posted e.t.c. so it does not count. You might as well have burned it or given it to some random person or given it to charity, this was not a competition.

Then there's Shayper who constantly says that he'll give it to rob or rhob guy, he's obviously doing this for attention, he keeps on repeating himself a thousand times saying its for a good cause, I hope the OP is sending it directly to this so called person in need and not to Shayper who may keep it (no offence, this may happen). He may even be going on about giving it to rhob because he knew that the competition was a fraud and that to get hold of his card he may have to make up some cool story about the christmas spirit trollop and him giving it to bob/rob.

Are there any rules saying that I cannot ask for one? Obviously not because the OP did not make any rules up, hence the situation.

Lot of returnees lately. :/

You are just a selfish troll :rolleyes: this is the last one I'll post in this thread.

this thread had nothing to do with secret santa and thats the point.

why didnt you just say its going to robh instead of picking a fake winner?
Hmm..... is it just me or does kingarthur remind anyone else of jordan97 (who was banned sometime this month)? :/

I think we have a returnee! :D

I think most people appreciate the OP did a nice thing offering the sound card for free and it is very nice that he is giving it to someone who lost out.

But, if you are offering something it you should follow your own rules, i think most people would have donated the card anyway if there was a redo.
as no one has claimed this card i will do another one with clearer rule's if you want.

im not chasing people and have sent a mail to robh age's ago but no reply.

ill start another thread with a few more bits to give away with the sound card.
Nice of you to do this once again! :) I'M IN! :p

Either don't set any rules or follow them to the point for the next thread/give-away (whatever you want) and I am sure that there won't be any moaning/problems then :p
I don't think there will be tbh, unless some guy with 2 posts and joined about a year ago or something similar won :p

The majority of moaning was due to who won it and how;

- having duplicate entries
- the post was just asking for an update, not to enter the comp.
I don't really see what the problem is. The one you randomly picked wasn't a valid entry so keep picking until you get one that is?
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