[ITT: Charitable donations]Skywalker's daughter, Bethany

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I think the speeding up of the process is an idea that has unfortunately had to be left behind. It would have been great had we been able to speed up the process, but now the concentration must go on making the length of time as easy and as comfortable as possible for Skywalker's family. Hopefully the money will go some way to do that.
The right puppy is dead easy to look after. Our boxer took constant care but we now have a miniature daschund too, and she needs next to no additional looking after.
It's his choice, to be fair. Shouldn't have to donate to a charity out of guilt

Absolutely, but at no point in this thread does it say what the money is to be used for. We were hoping to speed the process up, but can't. So it is to improve the all-round situation that we aim for. Those trying to dictate what the money is to be spent on can go and jump :)
I am sure the money will go towards something helpful and i donated what i could afford to so i have no issues that it cant speed up the process even if that was the original idea - if it helps Bethany in anyway then job done :)

That's exactly what the donations were for, as per the OP :)

If anyone has any problems whatsoever they can contact me through the normal channels. I don't want any more bickering or negativity in this thread.
Donations will be accepted any time, just mail me to let me know so it's not just sitting there.

Just getting the bank link to Paypal sorted now.

[edit]...and that is sorted. As soon as the account details are credited the money will be going over.
I had a phone call yesterday from a foreign number to my mobile asking for details about my account. How much was in it, what I was doing to get the money, what I was going to do with it... I refused to give them any information there and then. I don't appreciate cold callers (and I include this kind of thing in that). The woman I spoke to had a very thick accent and there was a long delay on the call. I wasn't happy giving any information at all.

The only reason she gave for wanting the information was 'for security'. That wasn't good enough for me.
Thats fair enough. Have you contacted them and asked for a specific number to call them back on?

They need me to fax them certain documentation.

Thing is, the page that tells me this says 'if you go over a certain amount during the first year then security implications and restrictions kick in. Well I've had this PayPal account for years and have had this amount of money in it for a very similar reason in the past. Why do they ask now?
Why is it that thousands can go through my bank account from it being opened, yet when I get to a relatively tiny ceiling 6 years after opening an account they freeze it? Stupidity.
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