I will have a look as I said, but also have a look at the settings for the application in the Settings application.
Click that little "X" next to the progress bar up top (if it's still importing tracks)Erm, i have looked and checked forums, its a common complaint, I dont want to copy All my hundreds of mp3's to the ipod, nor do i wish to spend an hour scrolling through the list to select or deselect the files i want, i just want to transfer specific files in specific folders, as with most devices... As I said, i found the easiest way seams to be via play lists, my god man, READ first!! Im not raging, just pointing out a major niggle with an otherwise neat product.
Yeah, the smart playlist is severly overlooked IMO.
I've never bothered rating songs (too many to plough through), but I can see it being a nice way to build a heap of good songs
I wish Genius had a better range of options; 50, 100, and 200 songs is limited. I'd like at least a "GB" limit, or a larger "500" song limit.
iTunes + 120GB iPod Classic = 1:1 Mirror of iTunes library on iPod
No need to fuss with this smart playlist nonsense
iTunes + <size_greater_than_library>GB iPod <model> = 1:1 Mirror of iTunes library on iPod
No need to fuss with this smart playlist nonsense