iTunes: It's utter **** isn't it?

I actually really like iTunes but I haven't ever searched around for alternatives.

I remember hating it back when I just used windows though.
The interface is fine, but I wouldn't go so far as to say its the best ever. I remember a few versions back staring at the screen wondering how to burn a disc. Why did they hide the command in the playlist context menu? It was fine the way it was. Bizarre.
I actually find iTunes is the best Music Player for me, as it has a decent bass booster, compared to WinAmp. Plus I have an iPhone 4S so...
(I'm a Windows user)
For the people who are having issues with iTunes then I suggest it's more of an issue with Windows.

> Probably junked down with software
> Too slow
> Drivers not up to date
> Windows updates not up to date
> Hardware out of date
> Bad net connections
For the people who are having issues with iTunes then I suggest it's more of an issue with Windows.

> Probably junked down with software
> Too slow
> Drivers not up to date
> Windows updates not up to date
> Hardware out of date
> Bad net connections

The biggest problem is if you have your music collection on an external HDD. iTunes does a bad job of caching things to your OS drive so iTunes can feel very sluggish.
I've used it for years now on Windows and OS X without any real grief. It's a bit slower and clunky on Windows but to be honest I find that applies to Windows in general when compared to OS X.
I like and absolutely hate it at the same time, on my old pc it kept randomly launching, and if I closed it out it would relaunch within 15 seconds again, plus all the other services junk it installs in the newer versions is stupid.

I've never really found a media player I really love, was never a big fan of WMP or WinAmp. But I still use iTunes cause I've an old iPod classic, plan on replacing it soon tho so once I do..bye bye itunes.
iTunes runs fine on my PC and I never had any issues running it. My library is with approx 50GB worth of music not small.

The only problem I had is that every time I rebuild (I'm not talking about moving my library here) my computer I tend to fail to move my playlists and songs scorings etc properly over, so I'm always starting from scratch and have to rebuild them which is a pain.

I find iTunes could support this a little bit better offering some safe/restore function of the iTunes DB.
Not had that issue, 50GB of music on a USB 2.0 device here.

Which view do you use? The main problem is when iTunes tries to display artwork thumbnails. Pulling the thumbnails from the files seems to by a synchronous request (at least on Windows) so iTunes stops responding during the process. iTunes-sourced music doesn't have this problem as the thumbnails aren't embedded in the music files. However, it's very notcoable for video files.
Always found it sluggish, difficult to organise my files and clunky.

Just pay for spotify now an sync all my devices to iCloud and I never have to touch iTunes! Bliss!
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