ITV news

Most of the games played when I was growing up were single player games since there was no internet. Nowadays it's different and there's a lot of obscene content out there on the internet and no program is really going to be effective in filtering up and the same applies to xbox live and other gaming networks.
Let them enjoy single player games until they're ready and prepared for online.
I only really had a look at them this weekend too, to test out that family timer thing they added, seems to work but can't see it being much use to be honest, whatever happened to just taking the plug out and telling the kids no more games LOL

Is that what your parents do to you? :D (Can I e-mail them to ask them to do the same to your internet connection when you post crap on the forums ;) )

(both jokes I guess I need to add, I have nothing constructiev to add to this thread as the game controls on the PS3 have been there since day 1 (I think).

I was also going to make a joke about what would happen if I reported the xbox live members on ocuk who are known racists and spout their crap when playing online but this thread is about PSN as Nokkon mentioned, and I don't have as much faith in the complaints system as others seem to :D

My points are valid and on topic though, plus I don't bad mouth Sony all the time, I give them a lot of credit when it's due, but people will just ignore it. This was a thread entirely about the PSN and a complaint and you go and mention some Xbox Live user?

My points are valid also, so what if ITV concentrated on the PS3, title of the thread is ITV News, i would think seeing as xbox LIVE is the no1 online service for console's at present then really more kids would come across such issue's even if such options are in place to monior or stop kids online much like there is with PSN, so worth mentioning i thought, as proven bu other xbox live users in this Thread. Just goes to show how journalists know nothing about consoles just for the sake of Headline TV worthy/inacurate (or in this case not worthy/inacurate) news
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couple of questions if i may (just as devils advocate)

1 - when signing up for XBOX live, is there any terms that state you cannot be abusive to fellow 'people' on live?

2 - what rights do MS have to ban you, if you have paid for the service?

3 - if you are banned do you get a refund?

4 - as an adult, you should not have to worry about what you say (especially on games 15+) in case a child may be listening

as i say, all devils advocate questions... i have a live sub, but have barely touched it as i cant get the thing to work wirelessly.

i have had a few people shout off at me, but its easy to ignore :)
1 - Yes
2 - You break the terms you agreed too
3 - No
4 - Should not have to worry no, but if you are an adult then you won't be abusing people will you :)
cheers for that mr men

the lack of a refund is harsh imo - justification of a ban is generally based on a 'complaint filed' i believe??

how that is used as evidence is difficult to prove surely?

again, devils advocate - never used the system, so not sure if thats how complaints go etc
I don't know how they do the complaint system, or how they can check its genuine complaints TBH, I think a complete ban is quite rare, and normally its 2 days suspensions I read about people being given, or a week etc. I would imagine it takes a sustained level of complaints filed against a person by a certain amount of people before they look at it.
The thing about the complaint feature is some people use it maliciously I often (and alrik moreso) seem to get negative feedback for unsporting behaviour. We play Halo FFS. There is only one rule "Kill the enemy". Its not like the racing games where you could use dirty tactics such as nudging and spinning your opponents, or football games where you could deliberately hack the other team off the pitch. Halo is point, shoot, die.

So as far as I can see I'm being unsporting by winning.

Edit: and if those ******* *******care so ******* much about ******* swearing then those ***** can **** off
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I don't think feedback is anything to worry about as far as being banned is concerned, I am sure it is more about the file complaint section that MS pay attention too.
How old are the people who go into pubs?

This is about kids who shouldn't be subjected to online abuse, Which is so rampent online. When I have kids, I can safely say I'll analyze where they are going online, and make sure they only game with certain people. Randoms for instance, I'd rather not have my kids gaming with.

Problem is, how many of those "kids" experiencing this language are old enough to be playing said games :rolleyes:
Not seen this news report yet but I can imagine it's pretty much branding gamers and the console manufacturers as bitter twisted terrorists who do nothing but rape the minds of the young... (Not Nintendo though, they're the fluffy friendly manufacturer who get kids fit and save injured puppies from lives of cruelty)
Maybe one day there'll be a news report about how many irresponsible parents are out there, letting their kids play 15+ games and allowing them to use online services unmonitored. :rolleyes:
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