I've given up on LPG - the future is Electric.

I now do the weekly 90 miles commute in my wifes 2008. Not because I can't in the leaf, but because due to the ridiculous way the Government has arranged charging in the uk - it's now MORE EXPENSIVE!!!!

Where I used to charge in Southend now charges a lot for charging, and also has a time limit which means I can't event get a full charge.

The plus point is that while I commute in the 2008, she uses the Leaf. So overall we're still saving a load on fuel. Especially as the vast majority of my charging is done via the solar panels.
I'm sure plenty of you are going to hate this - but I think it looks great. :p

Why does it have illegal front lights?

You're only allowed white lights on the front of UK cars.
Who told you that? Or did you just make it up. There's nothing illegal about yellow lights [source]. They're much better than 'xenon white' for driving in fog.

How to make a futuristic car look like one from the 90s. Isn’t an electric car about not wasting electric too ?
A few leds are pretty insignificant. Plus - they're not permanently on.

Looks like a bug. Your username is apt :p
My other car looks even more like a bug. ;)
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