I've never played Far Cry & Half Life 2

29 Jun 2004
Am I missing out?
I consider myself to have a reasonably powerful computer.

AMD Athlon 64 Winchester @ stocks
HIS Excalibur x800xl iTurbo @ stocks
GeIL 1024Mb (1Gb) value RAM @ stocks
Samsung 160Gb Spinpoint HDD

I can play CoD2 at near full settings 1024*768.
I've also got Counter Strike but I don't know which version that is.
I've played Doom 3, the demo.

I've got holidays. How can I make the most of my kit?
For a start, today i'll be buying cheap 2nd hand versions of Far Cry and HL2. Anything else to look out for?

Cheers :)
quake 4 perhaps?

Half Life 2 is a must, but don't get it second hand because of the copy protection on steam. Far cry should be decent as well. Trying to think what else has come out recently that might be good for you.

Fear is probably a bit too heavy for your specs, as is oblivion.

Age of Empires 3? Dawn of War? King Kong?
I don't mind playing games at low detail.
I've heard a lot about FEAR.
As we speak i'm d/l the Far Cry Demo. And i've seen it for £3 brand new.
I've seen HL2 for about a tenner brand new.
Half-Life 2 may be an issue second hand as you have to make sure you get the Steam account from the seller also, else, it'll take a long time to sort out actually getting to play the game. If you've not used Steam or not familiar with it, check out the FAQ in my Sig.

In my opinion, HL2 > FarCry, plus it's got a hell of a lot more extras and potential in the long term than FarCry has, with regards to mods and all that.
Well if you get HL2 second hand it shouldn't be too much of a problem, just do a "I tried to register my new steam account but somebody nicked my CD Key" here are some photos proving I have bought a retail copy. And you should be fine.
PinkFloyd said:
Farcry > HalfLife2

Weapons are more fun, better AI, cooler enviroment

Nuff said. HL2 has a good storyline, but its pointless if you've not played the first. Plus its so heavily scripted that replaying the thing is just boring. I ended up giving it away to Kami since its boring. Whereas FarCry is legendary even in this day and age. Best voice overs in any game too! :p
atpbx said:
I gave half life 2 away about a week after i bought it, it was rubbish.

even though its subjective, you're very wrong.

OP, you are missing out, half life 2 is brilliant, best fps to date and really was a big jump for sp fps imo.

Far cry is great as well, however when they introduced the monsters it went downhill.

Worth checking out if htey're cheap and your rig will play them both a high settings i would have thought.
The single player in HL2 didn't interest me one bit, and neither did the single player in HL1.

You're much better off with Far Cry.
As for multiplayer, you may as well get HL2 for the mods :)
I had to force myself to complete HL2 :( that’s never a good sign.

I had a lot of problems with the stutter bug, then you had the long load times between level's, a plot that wasn’t interesting, dull surroundings and then there was the high way section that just would not end :(

As Farcry I found it to be a good game, something new and open game play that took me back to my days of OFP when i could take more than just one way into a bloody village.
XPE said:
I had to force myself to complete HL2 :( that’s never a good sign.

I had a lot of problems with the stutter bug, then you had the long load times between level's, a plot that wasn’t interesting, dull surroundings and then there was the high way section that just would not end :(

As Farcry I found it to be a good game, something new and open game play that took me back to my days of OFP when i could take more than just one way into a bloody village.
Thats exactly my thoughts with 2 differences.
I gave up with HL2 and played Farcry instead.
and I didnt have the stutter bug
Both games are excellent and I'd choose HL2, but technically Farcry is the superior game. It easily has the best designed game engine to date and doesn't have the stutter bug that plague so many games these days. Honestly, you may think stuttering is a minor issue, but for me its like a bloody disease, just totally screws up the gameplay experience.
Farcry stutters loads on my second system.
Its not engine specific, it will depend on the hardware.
(for comparisons sake I may install source on the rig)
Kainz said:
Nuff said. HL2 has a good storyline, but its pointless if you've not played the first.
Untrue. I never played HL1 for 10mins+ as i found it boring. Whereas, HL2 really got me interested and i have played it through 15 times to discover as much as I could.
I think we had this discussion the other day, but I think HL2 is vastly superior to FC. FarCry is very good, no doubt, but HL2 is definitely a league above and would be in my top 10 games of all time.

Oh, and they're both infinitely better than F.E.A.R. which I'm playing at the moment and is pretty ordinary. I mean, if I wanna stare at office furniture for hours on end I'll just stay at work :confused:
HL2 is the best single player game i've ever played (and i've never played the first one, or was a particular fan of the series before playing) it's great fun.

I've played it through twice, I haven't finished Far Cry and probably won't install it again unless I get uber bored!

HL2 is incredible value for money considering you get Counter Strike: Source also, I've put loads of hours into that game online now and it's pretty much the only game I play on the PC now.

You can pick up Far Cry for cheap s/hand so get that also.

Also I played FEAR through on a system way weaker than yours at medium-high detail (fair enough fps never went about 30fps and I had a load of waiting for the loads etc) but it didn't stop me enjoying the game :)
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