I've never played Far Cry & Half Life 2

SnipaMasta said:
Even if you've played Half Life 1, a lot of it is just ideas, nothing is actually confirmed which means you can't really call it a "strong" story because barely anything is known about it.

But that makes it mysterious and atmospheric - it's one of the things I love about it. It just throws you into this nightmare world and lets you make of it what you will.

I'm all for everybody having their own opinion (natch), but there is no way I'm willing to accept HL2 is a bad game, in any way, shape or form. I've played pretty much every major FPS since Doom and HL2 is right up there near the top.

Out of interest, and because I was just trying to think where I would rate HL2 in my head, my top 10 FPS (single player) would be...

1. Doom2
2. HL2
3. HL1
4. MOH: AA
5. Far Cry
6. Quake II
7. Unreal
8. COD1
9. Duke Nukem 3D
10. Doom3

I'm just playing F.E.A.R. right now and it's struggling to make that list...
Curio said:
Out of interest, and because I was just trying to think where I would rate HL2 in my head, my top 10 FPS (single player) would be...

1. Doom2
2. HL2
3. HL1
4. MOH: AA
5. Far Cry
6. Quake II
7. Unreal
8. COD1
9. Duke Nukem 3D
10. Doom3

I'm just playing F.E.A.R. right now and it's struggling to make that list...

NO Hidden and Dangerous or Operation Flash point :eek: :eek:
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I thought Half Life 2 was ok, although I suffered from motion sickness while playing, and that seemed to be very common amongst gamers.

The Source engine is good and it has brilliant graphics but for me the Doom 3 engine blows the source engine away. Have you played Prey yet!!!

I am staggered by how good Prey is, graphically amazing with some of the most innovative and original concepts in an FPS I have ever experienced.


Doom 3 engine 10/10

Source 8/10
The Doom3 engine really isn't very good. The source engine supports far better physics (with it's Havoc physics support built in), it has the facial animation system, and sports a far more adequate lighting system. The Doom3 engine relies on everything being plastered with normal maps and extremely low polygon objects, meaning very little is actually "3d" making it look very fake. It also has a terrible lip syncing system and, in Doom3 at least, when characters moved the normal maps could occasionally go wrong. Not to mention the entry-level physics and the stencil shadow method of lighting means that everything looks fake and developers are limited to inside spaces, or extremely confined outdoor areas. Nothing like the Half Life 2 beach area is possible in the Doom 3 engine. Since a lot of proccessing power is taken up by the stencil shadow engine, this means that everything has to be very low detail and sufficed with normal maps, which doesn't look nice.

So, no, it isn't better.
Curio said:
1. Doom2
2. HL2
3. HL1
4. MOH: AA
5. Far Cry
6. Quake II
7. Unreal
8. COD1
9. Duke Nukem 3D
10. Doom3

I'm just playing F.E.A.R. right now and it's struggling to make that list...

Fear is easily in the top 3 for me.
Can't believe your not finding it better than Doom3. Of what I played of the game it was rubbish!

Different Opinions :p
F.E.A.R. might just scrape in due to the awesome fire-fights. It's fantastic with all the glass and dust flying around. I think the actual game is pretty dull tho :)
hl2 is awesome as is cod2 and farcry. i also really enjoyed men of valor and quake 4. for all it's sins, command and conquer generals was cool to.

i have had riddick for months and havent played it, but might now.

will fear run on my specs good enough?
Curio said:
1. Doom2
2. HL2
3. HL1
4. MOH: AA
5. Far Cry
6. Quake II
7. Unreal
8. COD1
9. Duke Nukem 3D
10. Doom3

Personally, my favourite out of the lot is COD, even if they just bundled in the Russian missions I would say that, they were superbly well done.
SnipaMasta said:
The Doom3 engine really isn't very good. The source engine supports far better physics (with it's Havoc physics support built in), it has the facial animation system, and sports a far more adequate lighting system. The Doom3 engine relies on everything being plastered with normal maps and extremely low polygon objects, meaning very little is actually "3d" making it look very fake. It also has a terrible lip syncing system and, in Doom3 at least, when characters moved the normal maps could occasionally go wrong. Not to mention the entry-level physics and the stencil shadow method of lighting means that everything looks fake and developers are limited to inside spaces, or extremely confined outdoor areas. Nothing like the Half Life 2 beach area is possible in the Doom 3 engine. Since a lot of proccessing power is taken up by the stencil shadow engine, this means that everything has to be very low detail and sufficed with normal maps, which doesn't look nice.

So, no, it isn't better.

You are very right and I stand corrected. Having re installed Half Life, and sorting the FOV out. I cannot get over how good it is. I think I was just a little taken back with the fact that Prey impressed me so much, but you are right. The outdoor scenes in HL2 are absolutely fantastic. My frames never droppped, and I have everything maxed out and im playing @ 1920 x 1200.
Kainz said:
Can't beleive people think the HL2 AI is good. It's some of the worst AI I've seen since I played Most Wanted. It's heavily scripted with event markers which ends up with events not being triggered every now and again.

Yeah so frustrating trying to get a NPC to enter the lift with you etc. Luckily I save quite often so I can normally get it sorted within half an hour :rolleyes:

I actually favour HL2 over Farcryright now (only played a bit of Farcry so far) but that's probably just down to how much I loved HL1. I can't help feeling that there's a lot of filler in HL2 though eg. the swamp bike & hotrod levels which seem to be overly long.
-|ScottFree|- said:
You are very right and I stand corrected. Having re installed Half Life, and sorting the FOV out. I cannot get over how good it is. I think I was just a little taken back with the fact that Prey impressed me so much, but you are right. The outdoor scenes in HL2 are absolutely fantastic. My frames never droppped, and I have everything maxed out and im playing @ 1920 x 1200.

Yep. Episode One is easily the best looking FPS out right now. The source engine is amazing, its so versatile. The way it can produce so many different styled locations - indoor and out, and make them all look fantastic. Best of all, maxed-out it runs flawlessly on my now-ageing system.
I love FPS games, but I don't think I've ever completed one because it was too hard or I just found other things to do.

With HL2 I've only evenr played it with FakeFactory Cinemativ Version and I loved the game, but I have nearly completed it, but it does get repetitive in parts of the game and I hated the Water levels. I suffered very little stutter with 1gb of ram, 3500 cpu and 6800 gt.

The Striders which I thought would be amazing wern't used to their full potential. HL2 is very good, no doubt, but I feel, I'm left with wanting more - maybe that's Valve's strategy to buy you the expansion packs I don't know.

Ravenholm was pretty scary level, and there were some moments in the game that made me jump out of my seat.

IS it me or in Hl3 or the HL after these expansion packs wouldn't it be nice for Gordon to be able to punch, and when you look down to see his legs and even your reflection in glass or mirror? Just little things to make it more realistic.

I loved the crane thing on one of the levels. It was a short moment, but nice little touch. I also think in vital situations there is always a med unit or whatever right where you need it, so a part of the challenge is already lost.

I'm still confused somewhat by the story, but blah.

Anyway, I want to play Hl1, but the graphics now are just so dated that it's hard to play it even though I never completed it when it was out.
My top10 SP FPS would be something like this:


Order isn't exact, and I've left out the likes of DX which isn't a pure FPS. Interestingly, CoD2 is the only game released after 2004.
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