I've never played Far Cry & Half Life 2

PinkFloyd said:
Farcry > HalfLife2

Weapons are more fun, better AI, cooler enviroment

I dont think its fair to compare HL2 to Farcry they are both different games, but......Farcry....nice engine, but the lack of plot, rubbish voice acting and pap lip-syncing put me off. HL2 has a more interesting story/setting, better voice acting and characters that actually look realistic. For me, open-ended shooters only work if they are realistic, e.g Operation Flashpoint. Also how are Farcry's weapons more fun? They are the most unoriginal and unimaginative weapons ever. Whats more fun than hitting zombies with tins of paint with a gravity gun? :D
Well for me I wasn't particularly impressed with HL2, Farcry was not bad and stil looks good today on high settings.

I'm having a little purge on FPS's and would recommend these if you can get them cheap enough:

F.E.A.R - for all it's blandness I really enjoyed it, and thought some of the weapons were superb.
Riddick - just started this but looks good, and you should be able to get this for a fiver or so.
Doom3 expansion: For a fiver this was pretty good, although you'll need the full game to play it. Also a good length for an expansion.
COD2 - If you like WW2 then this might be worth a look.

Can't think of anymore at the moment but your system should handle all of these games without much of a problem.
Tommer said:
even though its subjective, you're very wrong.

OP, you are missing out, half life 2 is brilliant, best fps to date and really was a big jump for sp fps imo.

I agree that HL2 wasn't rubbish, it was good, but it's no where near being the best FPS. It's just too linear. With a game like Far Cry, you can try different ways of getting to places, use a bit of stealth, or just run/drive in shooting. With HL2, it's just one path through the entire game.
i didnt like farcry much. counterstrike source is "ok" (will prolly love it when i play it more) and never played hl2.

the half life 2 lost coast i got with counterstrike source is amazing, is half life 2 just like it?
SameSuspect said:
i didnt like farcry much. counterstrike source is "ok" (will prolly love it when i play it more) and never played hl2.

the half life 2 lost coast i got with counterstrike source is amazing, is half life 2 just like it?

Half-Life 2 doesn't have the HDR lighting in it, but for the most part, the gameplay is a lot lot better than Lost Coast.
DaveyD said:
Half-Life 2 doesn't have the HDR lighting in it, but for the most part, the gameplay is a lot lot better than Lost Coast.

Well it would be. Lost Coast is just a tech demo that takes about 5 mins to complete. Unless your referring to Episode One, in which case I agree with you :).
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skullman said:
Well it would be. Lost Coast is just a tech demo that takes about 5 mins to complete. Unless your referring to Episode One, in which case I agree with you :).

No, I mean lost coast, as though it's a 5min tech demo, there still are some pretty decent action set pieces.
Tommer said:
even though its subjective, you're very wrong.

No, i'm not, it fails on almost every level for me apart from some of it looking quite pretty.

Dull, stupid AI.
Boring on rails enviroments.
Weak and uninteresting weapons.
Weak story, in fact, no story.

Half life, was a good game. Half life 2, was a bad game.
I still have half life.
Tommer said:
even though its subjective, you're very wrong.

OP, you are missing out, half life 2 is brilliant, best fps to date and really was a big jump for sp fps imo.

Far cry is great as well, however when they introduced the monsters it went downhill.

Worth checking out if htey're cheap and your rig will play them both a high settings i would have thought.

He's entitled to his opinion, as are you. It's not a game for everybody, but I'd say most FPS fans would at least enjoy it.
Half life 2 and Far Cry are some of my favourite fps games. Look for somthing else aswell though as playing a lot of FPS is not very fun... You need a bit of variation :)
atpbx said:
No, i'm not, it fails on almost every level for me apart from some of it looking quite pretty.

Dull, stupid AI.
Boring on rails enviroments.
Weak and uninteresting weapons.
Weak story, in fact, no story.

Half life, was a good game. Half life 2, was a bad game.
I still have half life.

there's being subjective and then there is being plain WRONG. this is plain wrong.
You cannot say it has "no story" or even a "weak story", as for a FPS it has a rather strong story. that doesn't mean it is a good story however.
again with the weapons, not weak but maybe uninteresting (depending on your POV)

IMO, the AI is decent but not as good as i was hoping after the leap that HL bought.
The enviroments are diverse and fantastic. The most diverse environments of any FPS that i have played... by far. I really dont get how you can say they are boring. Unless you have a fetish for Jungle, jungle and more jungle in which case i maybe can get how. :p

HL2 is for me, quite simply, the best FPS ever.
chronicles of riddick: escape from butcher bay :)

doesnt nearly get as many mentions as it should. it looks pretty damn good, plays well (slitting peoples throats with a knife in the dark???) though is a tad short :(, eitherway good fun!
I thought HL2 was the better game, I found it a lot more absorbing.
Far cry was a good game, but for me it got very dull as the game progressed, especially once all the monsters etc were introduced.

I've completed HL2 at least 4 times, Far cry i've done the once, I've tried replaying it, but by the time I get up to the Japenese aircraft carrier, I'm bored with it.
atpbx said:
Half life, was a good game. Half life 2, was a bad game.

Couldn’t agree with you more, at the time HL was released the single player was simply better than any thing else, it was a challenge to get through, it had different kind of puzzles and a lot of action that was always interesting but never over the top.

HL2 just didn’t have that sort of leap in game play that HL did, I would have to say it wasn’t any better than other games that had been released at the time
Kamakazie! said:
there's being subjective and then there is being plain WRONG. this is plain wrong.
You cannot say it has "no story" or even a "weak story", as for a FPS it has a rather strong story. that doesn't mean it is a good story however.
again with the weapons, not weak but maybe uninteresting (depending on your POV)

IMO, the AI is decent but not as good as i was hoping after the leap that HL bought.
The enviroments are diverse and fantastic. The most diverse environments of any FPS that i have played... by far. I really dont get how you can say they are boring. Unless you have a fetish for Jungle, jungle and more jungle in which case i maybe can get how. :p

HL2 is for me, quite simply, the best FPS ever.

Half Life 2 barely had a story, a lot is just superstition and some ideas that are suggested. Alien race takes over humanity, led by some big blob(s) with an odd guy named the GMan putting you into stasis to use you for his own ends. Very weak considering how cliche the general idea is, if you want a "Strong" story play Deus Ex or Thief, both of which have a far more dark and gripping storyline.

The AI isn't really "decent", enemies run about a bit but the general idea is "point, shoot". Nothing like, for example, Far Cry, where enemies work together and crouch behind objects, and can be distracted by objects being knocked over and depending how much noise you make.

As for diverse environments...Half Life 2?! You play in either a decaying urban location, or a poor combine sci-fi setting that looks like it was done on an extremely low budget. It's not even 'cool looking' sci-fi like UT2004, largely because things like platforms are just made of plain metal which isn't very pleasing to the eye. The levels have no atmosphere to them. Far Cry is just as 'diverse' because it also has more "sci-fi" interior areas, WW2 bunkers, Laboratorys, and of course the awesome outdoor locations which do vary quite a bit.

Half Life 2 is just to generic to be classed the best FPS ever.
Can't beleive people think the HL2 AI is good. It's some of the worst AI I've seen since I played Most Wanted. It's heavily scripted with event markers which ends up with events not being triggered every now and again. Does anyone remember trying to get past your squaddies who wanted to BUNDLE!! all over you?

FarCry I found way more enjoyable. No drab confined outdoor enviroments. Give me a speedboat and I'll travel for ages until I hit an invisible barrier. Lovely night time forest maps, hand glider bits it just goes on and on. The only thing decent about HL2 was the somewhat complex storyline which carried on from HL1 and is quite well done.
Kainz said:
The only thing decent about HL2 was the somewhat complex storyline which carried on from HL1 and is quite well done.
And with that he hits the nail on the head.

IF you have played HL1!
I know I'm not the only one who hasnt completed it. I do mean to buy it and finish it at some point though
Even if you've played Half Life 1, a lot of it is just ideas, nothing is actually confirmed which means you can't really call it a "strong" story because barely anything is known about it.
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