Jack Warner conveniently dodges any chance of being proven corrupt... I mean, resigns.

Ah is this whole investigation down to him?

I knew the FA were waging a war (quite unsupported) didn't know this had much to do with him, had read something about him making comments though.
Why shouldn't they be untouchable? Fifa is a private organisation.

If there is bribery going on then it may not just be down to whether the private organisation either doesn't care or actually condones it, the issue may be a criminal matter. The question of jurisdiction might be an interesting one though as the countries with the greatest interest may have little standing in the matter.
Ah is this whole investigation down to him?

I knew the FA were waging a war (quite unsupported) didn't know this had much to do with him, had read something about him making comments though.

Lol it wasn't quite "making comments". The american delegate presented evidence and got signed witnesses to the fact that jack warner and bin hammam had paid several people $40,000 in cash in bribes.
Not saying that at all.

Saying that if FIFA were this bad, the FA and others should have dealt with it before. The timing of this make the FA look bitter, they didn't seem to get much support from the other countries involved in FIFA either recently.

I'm not excusing the tactics FIFA use, merely passing comment :)

The thing is had they come out with it BEFORE the vote on the WC, they would have been dead in the water as far as the bid goes (turns out they were anyway, but they didn't know that at the time). You don't grass someone up if you're waiting on a favour from them. Remember all the fuss about that Panorama investigation that the BBC aired shortly before the vote?
The thing is had they come out with it BEFORE the vote on the WC, they would have been dead in the water as far as the bid goes (turns out they were anyway, but they didn't know that at the time). You don't grass someone up if you're waiting on a favour from them. Remember all the fuss about that Panorama investigation that the BBC aired shortly before the vote?

Yep esp the English delegation kicking up a fuss that it might harm our bid. Strange how that stance disappeared after we lost the vote.
The thing is had they come out with it BEFORE the vote on the WC, they would have been dead in the water as far as the bid goes (turns out they were anyway, but they didn't know that at the time). You don't grass someone up if you're waiting on a favour from them. Remember all the fuss about that Panorama investigation that the BBC aired shortly before the vote?

Nope you keep quiet until you have enough evidence to prove without a doubt (in a court case if need be) that the organisation is corrupt.

Don't come out after and start shouting "We had a great bid, We should have won! They only got it because they bribed the judges" kind of thing.

Anyway. Meh. FIFA sorting themselves out and becoming more transparent and up to date is a good thing.

Jack Warner will always be a legend for his levels of corruption :p
Nope you keep quiet until you have enough evidence to prove without a doubt (in a court case if need be) that the organisation is corrupt.

Depends what your agenda is - rightly or wrongly, the FA were at the time probably more concerned with securing the WC than trying to expose any corruption. To prove corruption at FIFA would have taken too long and the ship would have already sailed by then as far as the WC bids went.
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