jackass number 2

With Jackass I find most of it funny, but the most hillarious aspects of it are indeed the witness reactions and odd visual spectacles. For example, some of the funniest things I've seen on the show involve Preston and Wee Man, especially the portaloo stunt. No one gets hurt, it's just really silly.
Jackass Number 2 - NEW FILM

Was just checking out what is coming over the film horizon, and saw this familiar title:

Jackass Number 2

There are a couple of stills on the site, looks like they got the whole gang together again to make this one.
Sirrel Squirrel said:
It'll be freakin' awesome :D
Thats the spirit!

Thought i should put one of the shots up here for the lazy people.

I loved the first film, cracks me up no matter how many times I watch it. Does this one still have the same cast? I can't wait :D
Meatball said:
I loved the first film, cracks me up no matter how many times I watch it. Does this one still have the same cast? I can't wait :D

I belive it does,the golf air horn bit was so funny in it, I had to do it for real, the golfers were not impressed, they started hitting golf balls at us and chased us :p ah the good ol' days :D
Sirrel Squirrel said:
I belive it does,the golf air horn bit was so funny in it, I had to do it for real, the golfers were not impressed, they started hitting golf balls at us and chased us :p ah the good ol' days :D

That's my fav bit to! That guy tried to hit them with a golf ball and they blew the horn and he missed, CLASSIC! I enjoyed the rock shoes as well :D
I only recently watched the First filme for the First time and thought it was pretty good in places made me laugh quite abit and brought back that feeling when i first watched the series on MTV many 4 or so years ago :p .

One of the "pranks" i found really funny was when one of them was going to take a crap in a toilet which was on display (was not plumbed in) but he did'nt make it to the shop on the first attempted and filled his pants inside the van LOL, everyone dived out and few started to be sick heheh, he did manage it on the second try and just took a dump while reading the paper while the bloke behide the desk was talking to another customer lol very funny.

Also what was funny is when they all had make up on to look old at the end of the film and they all got killed off.

I wont put myself out to watch the film ( go cinema ) but i supposed i would add it to my rental list
seek said:
Jackass is old. The whole thing kinda pinnacled with chav's setting each other on fire.
It was funny at first. But now it's just dumb.

Go back to sleep Grandpa.

Enjoyed the first, no doubt I will enjoy the 2nd!
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