Jailbreaking... the basics

7 Feb 2010
I've just ventured into the world of Jailbreaking for my iPhone 4 (v5.0.1), but could anyone here recommend good websites explaining the basics?
Thanks a lot!

What are jailbreaks that preserve the baseband? I'm not sure what that means, I seem to only find guide on how to preserve the baseband but not why it's a benefit.

Is that the reason why non of my apps will update?
Trentlad I suggest you read up on what words means what and try learn first before starting to touch any application > phone live.

Thanks mrBell... that's exactly why I'm asking for good websites explaining the basics. :confused:

I mod and tweak many things in both software and hardware so you get to know good resources, hence asking here about this.
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The ‘baseband’ is the generic nickname given to the internal components of the iPhone that handle the phone calls and Internet access. This ‘baseband’ is a tiny and unique independent computer system that runs inside your iPhone, it is separate to the main system that handles the applications (such as email and google maps) and it talks to the main part of the phone over an internal communications network.Think of it like a cable modem or other peripheral that is attached to your home PC that needs occasional updates. When a software update is released and presented to you within iTunes the baseband is sometimes updated (to fix bugs or add new features).

So... is that responsible for locking me to network carrier?
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Jailbreak - This is to gain root, administrator privileges to open up the phone.
Baseband - This is the cellular modem - handles carrier lock.

iTunes - The application by Apple to transfer files to the phone (music, photos, videos)
TinyUmbrella - This is an application to backup SHSH Blobs to allow change of firmware.
SHSH Blobs - Signed files from Apple, without these your stuck to downgrade f/w.
UltraSn0w - This is an application to allow an unlock for the Baseband.

Pwnage Tool - An application for jail breaking.
RedSn0w - An application for jail breaking.
GreenPois0n - An application for jail breaking.
Limera1n - An application for jail breaking.
Sn0wbreeze - An application to create custom firmware.

Saurik - The guy that created a server to allow backup of blobs.
Cydia - The application that enables you to download hacks.
iOS Firmware - The operating system on your phone.
Untethered - A method that allows you to boot your phone without connecting it to the PC.
Tethered - A method that allows you to boot your phone with needing a PC.
iPhone Devs - The people behind the magic, these guys develop for the iPhone.

As already stated read through - http://www.idownloadblog.com/jailbreak/
It is common for your previously purchased apps to stop updating after a jailbreak?

Since using Redsnow I have been able to purchase apps from the app store and install things from Cydia... but any items I try to update from the app store will not update.
It is common for your previously purchased apps to stop updating after a jailbreak?

Since using Redsnow I have been able to purchase apps from the app store and install things from Cydia... but any items I try to update from the app store will not update.

Were the apps originally purchased from the App Store? If so then they should update as normal. If they were obtained by other means then you can't update using the App Store, but we can't talk about that kind of thing here!
No they honestly were purchased before the jailbreak. I'm talking Skype, Google Earth, Google Search... they are free and since the redsnow untethered 5.0.1 jailbreak I haven't been able to update any of my apps at all.
Try deleting them and reinstalling them maybe? I had trouble updating Google Earth recently and that fixed it, but can't remember if it was pre or post jailbreak.
I certainly did sir! Took the plunge and absolutely loving it.

SBSettings is an utterly phenomenal addition. Next install is Veency to control the phone from my PC. Also to save my SHSH Blobs (allows you to restore back to the previous firmware).
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