James Cameron's 'Avatar' - The next gen of cinema

The floating mountains...
I don't think it's ever stated in the film (yet another detail cut from the original script) but their 'unobtanium' core allows them to suspend in large magnetic fields much like the little rock sample in the RDA office.

Superconductors exist here on earth but unlike the fictional 'unobtanium' we need to freeze ours to -180C before they start working :D
I read the screenplay and there are so many things that missed the final production. It would have been amazing to see it without the chopping and changing. Much more character interaction between Jake and the other Na'vi.

It'll be interesting to see the deleted scenes and extra footage on the bluray release. I'm actually itching to go and see this again :o Very, very rare for me to be like this over a movie.
I don't think it's ever stated in the film (yet another detail cut from the original script) but their 'unobtanium' core allows them to suspend in large magnetic fields much like the little rock sample in the RDA office.

Superconductors exist here on earth but unlike the fictional 'unobtanium' we need to freeze ours to -180C before they start working :D

That was something I wondered about too, otherwise it would be a big coincidence the biggest load of unobtanium was right under them.

I read the screenplay and there are so many things that missed the final production. It would have been amazing to see it without the chopping and changing. Much more character interaction between Jake and the other Na'vi.

It'll be interesting to see the deleted scenes and extra footage on the bluray release. I'm actually itching to go and see this again :o Very, very rare for me to be like this over a movie.

Completely forgot there will probably be a directors cut, hopefully it will be even better than the cinema version.:D
I read the screenplay and there are so many things that missed the final production. It would have been amazing to see it without the chopping and changing. Much more character interaction between Jake and the other Na'vi.

Where and how?

That sounds awesome.

edit: nvm.
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Saw it first of all in an imax in America. It was amazing. The sound, the picture. Absolutely brilliant! Really enjoyed it, but the 3d made my eyes hurt. I saw it again yesterday in a normal English cinema because a friend wanted to go see it in 3d (he paid my ticket as I'd already seen it) and I really enjoyed it the second time as well! the 3 hours just flew by. The sound and picture weren't as good as imax though, the sound especially, although the 3d didn't hurt my eyes this time, that was a bonus :p

And what's all this nonsense about people wanting to kill themselves because Pandora isn't real?
Damn the original screen play is ****ing awesome! Just loads of really nice little additions like details of the school and why it was closed down which made one hell of a difference. Also as egg said allot more character interaction.

Easy to see why they cut allot of it, time for one, if it was all used it would be 4 hours long, that and it would have gone above the rating it has. Pitty though, would have given the story more depth.

Will be nice to see what gets into the directors cut (which there is), the only scene I know is in is the sex scene between Jake and Neytiri, at least according to Cameron.
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The floating mountains...

My assumption was a very strong gravitational/some other force in that area hence all the issues with the sensors in the area.
Did people see a different film to me?

The whole reason the corporation was there was to mine "unobtanium", this element/metal seemed to repell gravity/float... It seemed fairly clear that these 'floating mountain' were simply a side effect of high quantities of it in that area, such that huge chuncks of ground/earth were floating above the ground...
Damn the original screen play is ****ing awesome! Just loads of really nice little additions like details of the school and why it was closed down which made one hell of a difference. Also as egg said allot more character interaction.

Easy to see why they cut allot of it, time for one, if it was all used it would be 4 hours long, that and it would have gone above the rating it has. Pitty though, would have given the story more depth.

Will be nice to see what gets into the directors cut (which there is), the only scene I know is in is the sex scene between Jake and Neytiri, at least according to Cameron.

I do hope that there is an extended directors cut with more story line in there.

But I expect with 'filming' being so expensive very little extra footage exists.
What concerned me about this film is that they didn't cover how this species pooed and wiped. Disappointing tbh.
Well, I saw Avatar with the missus tonight. I'll post a more detailed review later, but right now it can be summed up in two words: LOL, Avatar.

Heh, what did you think of the 'Muslim sub-context'?

Tastefully presented! The Muslim scientist guy was a low profile character but they had still given him a large black beard, which was a nice touch and ensured that he didn't have to say too many lines (because hey, you'd never hear them through the beard anyway).

On an unrelated note, Sigourney Weaver played the lesbian doctor convincingly. Some excellent pathos there, I thought.
Tastefully presented! The Muslim scientist guy was a low profile character but they had still given him a large black beard, which was a nice touch and ensured that he didn't have to say too many lines (because hey, you'd never hear them through the beard anyway).

On an unrelated note, Sigourney Weaver played the lesbian doctor convincingly. Some excellent pathos there, I thought.

I've now ended up seeing Avatar three times and have someone nagging me to go along for a fourth! Got to say, I was more impressed by it the second time I saw it! I rly liked it the first time round but when you see it again you just roll with it more. I accepted the dodgy script etc and just found the audience a lot more receptive too.

The third time... well I just really marvelled at the visuals and looked at the background a lot more than foreground (which is incredible and easy to not notice). There is def something about this film that draws you in. Cameron just has a magical touch I think.

On a side note, I read a user comment on YouTube that I found very interesting:

"I find it a bit odd that no-one has made the Avatar / MMO comparison (World of Warcraft in particular) - the word itself would seem to invite this, given that millions of people use Avatars everyday to play computer games. This film is essentially doing a more advanced version of Tron or Lawnmower Man, but to an audience that must include lots of gamers. I guess as Mark K himself has said, lots of the media etc still know very little about computer games and their popularity."
On a side note, I read a user comment on YouTube that I found very interesting:

"I find it a bit odd that no-one has made the Avatar / MMO comparison (World of Warcraft in particular) - the word itself would seem to invite this, given that millions of people use Avatars everyday to play computer games. This film is essentially doing a more advanced version of Tron or Lawnmower Man, but to an audience that must include lots of gamers. I guess as Mark K himself has said, lots of the media etc still know very little about computer games and their popularity."

A poignant observation. I actually thought of WoW while I was watching it last night. Looked and felt very much like a MMORG.
I just back back from seeing this and i thought it was the best film i have seen in years, if not ever!

It was my type of film which probably helped a lot, i really felt connected with the characters and i was almost crying at some points!

Just amazing :)
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