January 14/15th football *Spoilers*

Gilly said:
You don't seem to be apportioning any blame for that to said player and manager :confused:

Oh I am, it was stupid of them to believe they could do it and not suffer the consequences either in the second half or from the FA.

And it was never a red, he may have leapt in, but it was one footed, and at the point the contact would have been, if there was any, his foot was down on the ground. It was a yellow only.
andi said:
Oh I am, it was stupid of them to believe they could do it and not suffer the consequences either in the second half or from the FA.

And it was never a red, he may have leapt in, but it was one footed, and at the point the contact would have been, if there was any, his foot was down on the ground. It was a yellow only.
I didn't see the challenge so I've not passed comment at all on it, just seemed that you were having a go at the ref without thinking any of it was the fault of anyone from the manyoo camp.

Like I said above, you normally have more sense than that.
WoW!!, just put the game on then headed off to the kitchen to repeatedly smash a tea-tray off my head, headed back to game, and still says 1 all, wtf is going on, i need help, serious hallucinating going on here, is it a 999 job ?? :eek: :eek:

With reguard to Ronaldo's challenge: I think he got sent off because of the intent that was fairly obvious in the tackle he made. The tackle on him just before wasn't very nice but that doesn't mean he can jump into one straight after.

Back to today though, I hope Sunderland get a good result against Chelsea. Just because it might motivate them to perform against other teams. Chelsea certainly won't miss a couple of points or even three.
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