Do most people in Japan understand basic English. Like Taxi drivers etc?
Most people in Tokyo do, English is taught in Japan schools so in theory they know the basics, but they would know basic English like you know basic French… which is not a lot. I had a chat with a American girl who taught English there but she was working in the Robot Restaurant on the side, she told me that the Japanese mentality is that if they can't pronounce the words right, they rather not say it at all so a lot of them won't speak English because they know they are not saying it right. Meaning they just won't speak English to you. Also accents will be difficult to overcome, on top of that, the whole mixing up the R and the L (remember the scene in Lost in Translation?), this is true…they mix up the L and the R there a lot.
I would say outside Tokyo, English would be alien to a lot of people, I got by with point to things. I only took taxi twice (to and from station to hotel) and I just showed the driver the address of the hotel, I stayed in a big hotel though in Hiroshima (actually the tallest building in the city) so it makes it easier for the driver may be?
Also, taxi drives in Japan seems to be on the retirement age, you will know what i mean when you get there, they seem to be only men in their 50's, 60's driving, I didn't see anyone who is 30 or 40's.
I would use Google translate on your phone, it can translate words/writing to English okay…you have to read between the lines a bit to understand it. But i have an advantage in that I can read a bit of Chinese and Japanese uses a lot of Chinese characters which means the same thing but pronounce differently so things like Male/Female in loos I know already, Exit/entrance, things like that I know the writing.
Also….escalators. In Tokyo you stand on the Left hand side, in Osaka/Kyoto you stand on the right hand side. Don't mix this up or you will end up with a lot of angry japanese people behind you but very politely telling you to step aside. Which leads me let me to teach you the most important word .
Su-mi-ma-sen - Excuse me.