Jedi ejected from Tesco for wearing hood

IIRC enough people put it on the census for it to be recognised, but they decided not to on the basis that most people were taking the mick. The Jedi MP was also a joke.
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Surely a true Jedi would have just used the force?

"I do not need to remove my hood" *wave hands around*
'You do not need to remove your hood, enjoy your shopping sir'

Clearly some kind of cheap imposter.
I honestly can't believe people comparing religion to dumb tripe like the Jedi cult and motorcycle helmets. This shouldn't be news really. Like people have said, it's not part of Jedi "beliefs" to keep the hood on all the time.
Lol, what an odd excuse :p

I suspect that is meant to be the lighthearted aside from Tesco to show they aren't the humourless corporate monolith this story might otherwise make them appear as.

However I can't help feeling that this is something of a non-story since as the individual notes "...(my religion) states that I can wear headwear", which is distinctly different from "...(my religion) states that I must wear headwear". Add to that the issue that Jedi is not a recognised religion in any official sense and I'd guess he's on a hiding to nothing.

As Cybermyk mentions shops have the right to accept or refuse your custom on any grounds that they feel like and we equally have the right to judge them for their behaviour. As it stands my opinion of Tesco has not changed one iota.
And the chances of a muslim woman wearing a veil shoplifting vs a young kid wearing a hoodie are...?

so they discriminate on grounds of age now do they, its pathetic either way you look at it, but I bet they wouldnt have said anything to one of those freaks with the black cape with eye slits
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