Jeep experience

Grand Cherokee.

I had a go at offroading a Wrangler when I hired one in Lanzarote a few years back. I figures everyone would go for the wrangler, so I went for the luxury barge. Hope it'll be a SRT-8. :D
I did this last year, was great fun.
I have loads of photos somewhere..

edit: will upload a few after i have put son to bed
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Just put myself down for the Wrangler. Cheers!

Wasnt sure what to go for.....but Ive always liked the Wrangler, even though its mostly girls that I see driving them :p

Will check my emails when I get home to see if I got accepted.
paradigm said:
They have just sent me an email confirming that I "qualified" to take part :cool:

Likewise, except I signed up in my dad's name instead of mine. I'm sure he'd appreciate it more!

I sort of wish I'd signed up for myself now. I spent last weekend camping and our 'support vehicle' ;) was a Land Rover Defender. There were half a dozen of us crammed into the back of the thing plus all our stuff, bouncing around through the countryside... Great fun!
paradigm said:
Took 5 working days for them to get back to me, so don't hold your hopes up for an email this evening ;)

Ah, ok then. Thanks for that :) Probably missed out on it anyway given that the original post was about 6 days ago.
I got accepted this morning - I got my "you have been chosen to attend a date, simply complete the 'which one' form and we'll see you!" :)

Congratulations! You have been selected as one of the lucky participants in Jeep Trials 2007.

You can now complete your registration and select the location and date which would be most convenient for you to attend.

Click here to complete your registration.

In the meantime, if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call us on.

Happy off roading!

The Jeep Trials Team

FakeSnake said:
I did this last year, was great fun.
I have loads of photos somewhere..

edit: will upload a few after i have put son to bed

Photos would be good :)

How long was it last year? Is it just an hour or so, or half a day or what?
calnen said:
Photos would be good :)

How long was it last year? Is it just an hour or so, or half a day or what?
sorry, I actually forgot to upload some,.... will do it when I get home tonight.

Last year, it was 2 off road sessions (one in a G/Cherokee and a Cherokee) and on road in all of the 4x4 range.

Each offroad section took about 20 minutes. you are accompanied and told where to drive and how to drive it. The one I did was quite challenging, and if you did your own thing would likely have a ding in the car.
Got confirmation this morning booked myself in for surrey event at 11am. So if anyone from the south gets the chance to do it book yaself in for then can have a mini meet :D
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