Jelly Bean - Android 4.1

Google Now is amazing!

After about a week of using it, it now knows where I live, where I work, gives me weather and bus info without asking AND... it even gives me reminders and directions, etc to places when I add things like "6.30pm at XX Road, London" to my calendar! Amazing!!
So when GNow comes to the rest of us, what is needed to make it work well i.e.

Should we use Latitude or does it pick up our locations (home, work etc) from the background e.g. cell site info, wifi networks and GPS
Do we need to use the search bar or will it use info from browser searches etc?
Google Now is amazing!

After about a week of using it, it now knows where I live, where I work, gives me weather and bus info without asking AND... it even gives me reminders and directions, etc to places when I add things like "6.30pm at XX Road, London" to my calendar! Amazing!!

Next it'll become you.

Google are obviously replacing people with androids.
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