Jesters* Crossfit Journey

Feeling very sore this morning, so obviously went back out to train again. Praying that there was not going to be too many leg movements!

WOD1 6:00

3 Rounds

20 x Thrusters (20kg Bar)
10 x Burpee Box Overs

Mmmmmm thrusters with sore legs was not a very nice warmup, eventually got into it by the last round and finished in 5:39. Burpee box overs are never fun.

4 x 12 @ 70% Push Press
Every 2:30

Stayed at 60Kg all the way through, not quite my 70% but not too far off it either. Volume of the movement definitely hit hard, but its ok surely there wouldn't be shoulders in the workout.....oh wait.

WOD 2 15:00

3 Rounds

12 x Shoulders to Overhead (60Kg)
14 x Front Rack Lunge (60Kg)
16 x Toes to Bar

Oh look shoulders and lunges. Just what I really did not want to have to do! Shoulders were pretty toasted already, don't even get me started on the lunges. Toes to bar was probably the easiest part of the workout, but even then relying on shoulders makes them tough. Finished in 12:33 and fully collapsed into a heap.

Just come back from seeing the sports therapist for my monthly session. Massage and hot cupping on chest and quads, finished off with cupping on my hamstrings to check and make sure they were looking good. My upper chest looks horrendous, definite attention needed there and around the connecting points of the knees were also crying out for some love. Time to kick back and take it easy, let the body recover, eat and sleep well!
Today I have taken a rest day. When I woke up my body was generally feeling beaten up and sore and rest is always good.

If anyone is interested this is the state of my chest nearly a day after the massage and cupping therapy, yes it still is quite sore :rolleyes:

you paid someone to do that???:p:p

Haha yes I do. They still do not look much better today either. But my chest feels sooooooo much better.

Nice little session to finish the week for me. Watching my coach compete at the European Championships tomorrow and I am back to work Sunday!

4 x 10 Snatch Grip - Behind the Head Strict Press
Every 2:00

Did the first set at 30Kg then the last 3 I went to 35Kg. Awkward lift and tires the shoulders out quite quickly but felt good and strong.

9:00 EMOM

1. 40 sec Handstand Hold
2. 20 x Hollow Rocks
3. 5 x Strict Pullups

Didn't have any issues with any of these movements, am really enjoying bodyweight movements at the moment.

WOD 18:00

I go, you go.

5 x Handstand Pressups (Hands on 20Kg Plates)
15 x Kettlebell Swings
200m Run

Good workout this one, went unbroken for all of my reps, the time limit was enough to push it to just about that failure point where I started to think I might have to break up the swings. Myself and my partner posted 9 rounds + 20 reps. Just over 1 round for every 2:00.

Will try and get some photos of tomorrows competition as it might be of some interest for people and do a mini write up of the day.
So Saturday was a blast. Seeing competition for the first time was great. The atmosphere was exceptional and some of the athletes were extremely impressive.

Had a few good events through the day inbetween the competition itself. 3 on 1 challenge featuring Crossfit Games athlete Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson and a world record attempt for the most amount of strict ring muscle ups in a row, which he got at 14!

I was mainly there to support my coach who qualified as the oldest Male RX competitor at 34 years old and made it through to the semi finals where he finished 26th out of 78 competitors. Definitely makes me even more determined to get as close to that kind of level as possible. It will take a long time and huge determination but it would be fantastic to achieve. Did not take many photos but here are a few.

Gudmundsson before starting his 3 on 1 challenge
Todays workout was very shoulder orientated.

5 x 5 Snatch Grip Deadlift @ 100/110% of Snatch 1RM
Every 2:00

Did all my reps at 90Kg, felt good and smooth. The initial pull is definitely one of my weaker stages to the snatch so just getting some time to drill this with a heavy weight was great.

E2MOM 12:00

1 x Snatch
1 x Hang Snatch

You had the option to go every minute at about 50% of your max but I chose to go every second minute and get as close to my 80% as possible. I did the first 3 rounds at 65Kg and the last 3 rounds at 70Kg. It always takes time to warm up into snatch and I didn't feel 100% happy with the lifts but they still felt good and strong.

WOD 12:00

3 Rounds

50 x Double Unders
15 x Burpees
10 x Dumbell Snatch (22.5Kg)
5 x Ring Muscle Up

I knew this was going to be a solid and challenging workout when I saw the ring muscle ups. This was the first time I have done them within the workout and proved to be very challenging. Went through the double unders, burpees and dumbell snatches with no major issues and kept consistent. I managed to get the first 5 ring muscles ups and put myself into the second round, go through the other movements then hit the shoulder fatigue wall on the muscle ups. It was extremely frustrating as I missed about 6/7 reps as I physically couldn't push out at the top, did the hard work of getting myself in the right position but couldn't push out. Only managed 4 of the 5 so hit cap with 81 reps left.

Have to remind myself that I have only been able to do them since December and hitting 9 during a workout is still really good. But we always want more, I am definitely no different!
Open prep is in full swing.

WOD1 6:00

4 Rounds

20 x Overhead Lunges (20Kg Plate)
15 x Hand Release Press Ups
3 x Strict Pullups

Time cap was tight on this one, the HR press ups were the toughest part of this little warm up workout as the chest started to fatigue. Finished in 5:54.

5 x 4 Front Squat (3 second pause at the bottom) @ 70% of 1RM
Every 2:30

Did all my sets at 90Kg. The pause really changes these squats into a very uncomfortable movement. Promoting strength in the catch of a clean, it really fried my nervous system and the WOD fully destroyed me.

WOD2 14:00 AMRAP

21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3

Thrusters (42.5Kg)
Box Overs (24")

Pure dirt, a very common structure for Open workouts to follow in recent years. Thrusters were bearable but the box overs is where I started to suffer. Got to the round of 6 with 2 reps of thrusters complete. So 152 reps in total. Very critical of myself and feel like I should have done butter, however coach said don't let it get into your head, this is training after all and not just a single workout.
Shoulders got more of a pasting today.

E2MOM 8:00

15 x Wallball Cleans (20lb Ball)
10 x Progression Pushups (Muscle up development push up, when the chest touches the floor you roll back onto forearms then roll forward back onto your hands then push up)

Completed all reps each round. The shoulders really did burn after those push ups.

WOD Every 2:30 for 12:30

10 x Strict Handstand Pressups (20Kg Plates)
8 x Toes to Bar
6 x Burpee Box Overs (24" Box)

The strict handstand pressups were the hardest part of this, I couldn't do the volume on plates so went to just hands on the floor. Even then I didn't manage a complete 10 before the shoulders blew up. Toes to bar were pretty straight forward and the burpee box overs were done with the new RX standard that is coming for the open, jump out and jump back in.

10:00 To Establish 3RM Strict Press

Then @ 70% of the above

4 x 12 Every 2:30

Just to finish off the shoulders, I hit 55Kg for the 3RM then did 40Kg for the 4 x 12. Third set I only hit 11 reps and the last set I hit 10. Happy with the training today, just keep putting the work in.
Post night shift workout. When you really want lots of barbell strength work and short workouts you end up getting...

40:00 EMOM


1. 15 Cal Row
2. 30 x Double Unders 10 x Wallballs
3. 20 x Dumbell Snatch (15Kg)
4. Rest

Athlete RX

1. 18 Cal Row
2. 30 x Double Unders 15 x Wallballs
3. 20 x Dumbell Snatch (22.5Kg)
4. 10 x Pistol Squats

So we could mix and match elements between the workouts depending on ability and how we were feeling. 40 minutes is a long time to maintain all of this work and I knew that on interrupted sleep this was going to be a huge slog. I decided to maintain the 18 Cal row, attempt to maintain 30 x DU and 10 x WB and as I know the dumbell weight in the Open is going to be 22.5Kg I decided to do as many reps with that weight as possible and then take the rest minute. The row was good, managed to maintain the 18 Cals, the DU and WB were going so well until round 7 and fatigue just start to creep in and failed to do the WB in time and I managed to do 8-10 Dumbell Snatch each round. Long gassy workouts, probably the worst area for me, but it is always good to push out of the comfort zone and just do your best.

Tomorrow will be a team workout, but the coach is programming the first 30 minutes of the Friday sessions leading up to the Open as time to improve on areas of weakness that you might have. Pistol squats are high on that list for me!
To round out the weeks training...

30 mins Free time Fridays

I decided to do 20 mins of ROMWOD to get all strechy and the last 10 mins spent doing some pistols.

Team WOD 18:00 AMRAP

Teams of 2

Partner handstand holds while you complete
50 x Deadlift (100Kg)

Partner dead hang holds while you complete
50 x Handstand Pressups (20Kg Plates)

Partner deadlift holds (100Kg)
50 x Kettlebell Shoulders to Overhead (24Kg x 2)

This can be broken up how you wish, reps can only be completed when one partner is in a hold.

Good fun this was, hard on the shoulders after the first round. The hardest set for me were the kettbells, coach programmed the RX at 32Kg Kettlebells. No one across the day managed to use the 32s.
First session this week after recovering from having a cold over the weekend.

WOD 1 6:00

50 x Push Jerk (20Kg bar)
20 x Candlesticks

A good warmup workout especially for the shoulders. Finished in 2:47.

WOD 2 18:00

50 x Box Overs (24")
40 x Burpees onto Plates (20 + 15)
30 x Toes to Bar
20 x Kettlebell Snatch (32kg) 1 rep on each arm counts as 1 total rep.
10 x Ring Muscle Up

A tough time cap on this one, the athlete RX was 32kg on the kettlebell which was solid but I got through the 40 reps and hit 5 of the muscle ups for a total of 145 reps. Strangely really enjoyed this!

5 x 5 Strict Press - Behind the head , snatch grip.
Every 2:00

Did all my reps at 40Kg. Felt strong and potentially could have gone slightly heavier.
We all love Burpees. ...

WOD 1 6:00

For max reps - Burpees

Kept a good solid pace and hit 93 reps. Happy with that, properly gassed out after!

Every 2:00

5 x Power Snatch (Touch + Go)
5 x Overhead Squat

Coach told me he expected 70% of my power snatch 1RM. So 55Kg was stuck on the bar and off I went, found snatch easier than the OHS.

Set max effort unbroken strict handstand pressups
Then every 2:00 for 10:00 complete 50% of your max effort.

So after the rest of the workout I managed to hit 6 reps. So had to complete 3 reps every 2:00 and on the last round I hit 4 reps.

Good workout today, a very gassy start and middle with some good strict work to end. The Open begins in 2 weeks and really looking forward to it.
^^ Definitely give it a go. Try and keep a good standard for yourself as well as locking the arms out when you jump, fatigue does make it hard though, but its all about good standards and staying consistent.

WOD 6:00

80 x Air Squats
50 x Situps
12 x Strict Pullups

Good warmup workout, air squats started to burn around the 60 mark. Completed in 4:40.

15:00 to set 5RM Back squat

Lifted every 5 minutes to set 80Kg, 100Kg then 110Kg. There was more in there but not huge amounts more and as I knew what was about to come there was no point pushing it too hard....

4 x 10 Back squat @ 70% of the 5RM above.
EVery 3:00

Went slightly heavier and did all my sets at 80Kg. Last set really felt quite tasty.

Overall a nice shift from large amounts of cardio to some more strength work. Fingers crossed that continues!
Free time Friday's again!

With my Rainhill seeding workouts still outstanding I decided to tick off one of the lifting ones in the 30 mins free time.

3RM Deadlift

Deadlift is up there with Bench Press as my least favourite lifts. My previous 1RM was 168Kg so I was expecting 140Kg or so and I would be happy. In fact I breezed passed that milestone, and put up 150Kg for 3 and it felt much easier than 140. Decided to go for 160Kg and much to my surprise that also went up, but was getting close to hitting my limit so stopped at that point. Will have to retest the 1RM soon, as I should easily go between 170-180 now I reckon.

Team WOD 30:00

Teams of 3

5KM Row

100 x Wallballs
100 x Box Jumps
100 x Dumbell Snatch (22.5Kg - Each Arm - 200 total reps)
100 x Toes to Bar

1 person rowing, whilst the other 2 complete the movements. Change around whenever you want.

Great fun this one, I am comfortable on the rower and we broke that down into 500m section, I held a 1:50-1:55 pace throughout. Wallballs and box jumps passed without major bother. Dumbell snatches are just awkward and take ages but it was good practice again for the open. Forearms were paying for it on the toes to bar. We finished in 23:17.
Definitely a fun team WOD and rower is one of my best bits of kit.

Smaller training day today, I popped in to do more of my Rainhill seeding workouts.

Viking Diane - For Time

3 Rounds

20 x Cal Row
20 x Box Jumps (24")
20 x Wallballs

This was hard on the legs, getting off the rower straight into box jumps was the killer. I wanted to go sub 10:00 as in my head I thought I could do at least 1 minute per exercise if I stayed consistent. I managed 9:09 so extremely happy, Had to break the second set of wallballs as they clipped some plastic on the way down and almost smashed me in the face otherwise I don't think I could have gone that much faster.

Max Reps Toes to Bar - 1:00

Hit 30 reps on the nose here. Forearms pumped up massively but held onto the rig longer than I ever have done and kept going for about 35 seconds.

Night shift tonight but taking a day off tomorrow to rest. Been a hard week of training.
Monday post night shift training. The first workout dictated the feels for the rest of the session.

12:00 EMOM

1. 10m Walking Lunge (22.5Kg Dumbell Each Hand Overhead)
2. 10 x Burpee Box Overs
3. 15 x Cal Row

Yea this was bad. Managed 2 round of the walking lunges before the stabilising of the dumbells became almost impossible overhead. Managed to hit the burpees and cal row each round. The brain felt very frazzled after this.

5 x 3 Front Squat @ 1RM Clean
Every 2:30

So this should have been at around 115Kg but I really wasn't feeling it today and did 105Kg for all my sets.

EMOM 5:00

1 x Power Clean
2 x Hang Squat Cleans

Weight @ 80% of Clean

I went a tiny bit under my 80% and went at 90Kg. Always the second hang clean being the hardest rep of the 3, fingers in slightly the wrong positions and really having to get that hip contact to make the rep. Glad its done, fingers crossed I get a good nights sleep tonight.
Do you hook grip for most of your bar work??

A good 90% of my lifting is using hook grip! It just allows such a great level of control.

I hook grip when I drive these days... I'd imagine at 90KG it's required! That's a top effort on the EMON, are you allowed to drop the bar?

During office hours we can only drop bars from the hip. Which when going heavy, controlling it down is a right git :D
It is a noise thing. The units either side don't like the clanging of barbells.

The amusing thing is they moved in after the box was set up, they should have known what they were getting in for!
Tough day at the box today.

WOD1 6:00

4 Rounds

15 x Kettlebell Swings (24Kg)
15 x Down Ups

A nice warmup to get the heart racing. Went unbroken on the swings each round and kept a good pace with the downups to finish in 5:21

4 x 12 High Pulls (Pick your own weight)


4 x 20 Underhand Bent Over Rows

Set myself up with 35Kg for the first movement but failed to hit 12 reps in rounds 3/4 without putting the bar down. Then dropped it down to 30Kg for the rows. The forearm pump was monstrous and sucked.

WOD2 20:00

Modified Open Workout 17.1

10 x Wallballs
15 x Burpee Box Overs
20 x Wallballs
15 x Box Overs
30 x
15 x
40 x
15 x
50 x
15 x

Yea this sucked, almost as bad as when I did it last year in the Open. A big weakness for me are these chipper style workouts that are all focused on the gas tank. I managed to hit 224 reps and hit cap with 11 Burpee Box Overs left, then decided to lay on my back for a good 5 minutes trying not to die.

As a side note, one of our members is about to embark on the Iditasport Impossible marathon, 1100 miles across Alaska within 35 days unaided and was interviewed by BBC South East today. The crazy man completed the 400m Yukon Challenge last year. It is humbling when you get to train with people that do extraordinary things and take it for granted week in week out.
Today was much more suited to me than previous days!

WOD Open Workout 14.1

AMRAP 10:00

30 x Double Unders
10 x Power Snatch (35Kg)

This was a good workout for me, my double unders were unbroken apart from 1 round where I tripped twice. Power snatch in the first and last rounds were unbroken but otherwise I split them into 5/5. I hit 7 rounds + 10 reps.

EMOM 10:00

Handstand Pressups (You pick reps to maintain for 10:00 - RX on 20Kg Plates)

I wanted to stick at 7 reps per min, and managed to do that for 4 rounds. But the shoulder burn hit and had to drop it down to 5 reps for the last 6 rounds.

EMOM 12:00

1. 8 x Barbell Rollouts
2. 15 x V - Situps
3. 12 x Pushups

Some sweet ab work here. Hit all the reps each round.

Today I also had my monthly session with the Sports Therapist. She gave me a good going over, starting with the glutes and working up the back and shoulders, then calves and finishing with my quads. Using a combination of massage and cupping.

Feeling good in myself and looking forward to next week and the start of the Open!
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