Jesters* Crossfit Journey

Another enjoyable Open workout today.

WOD Open Workout 12.3

18:00 AMRAP

15 x Box Jumps (24")
12 x Push Press (52.5Kg)
9 x Toes to Bar

Not much to say except pacing was everything on this one. 18 minutes is a long time to keep moving for so I broke the reps up from the start. Push press was done in 6's and the Toes to Bar were in a 5/4 split. Hit 7 rounds +12 reps, which I am happy with. I feel that I went as fast as I could without putting myself right on the red line early.

12:00 EMOM

1. 8 x Chest to Bar
2. 10 x Box Dips
3. Hand release Pressups

So much chest over the past couple of days meant this was getting quite tasty. Did 2 rounds of the chest to bar before I noticed I had a blood blister looking close to ripping so I substituted for some hollow rocks. Box dips were solid and hit all reps every round and same with the pressups.

Free time Friday tomorrow! Last one before we kick off the fun.
Free time Friday!

Completed the last of my Rainhill Trials seeding. 1 min max effort handstand pressups and 1 min ring muscle ups. 21 and 3, not happy with the muscle ups today

WOD 15:00

Open Workout 15.5

27 - 21 - 15 - 9

Cal Row
Thrusters (42.5Kg)

Did this workout last year and it took about 13 mins. Wanted to get as close to 10 mins as possible this time, and set 10:36. Very happy with that as this workout fully sucks and is a full on slog.

Tomorrow will be a well earned rest day before a cheeky bit of barbell club Sunday.
Thanks! It was tough, and I don't think anyone particularly enjoys thrusters :D

Today was Barbell Club, getting to chuck around some weight without the cardio!

5 x 5 Squat Cleans @ 85/90%
Every 4:00

Meant to be heavy, so no touch and go reps. Started at 90Kg, then 3 sets at 95Kg and finishing with a 100Kg set. Happy with all of them, felt good through the movement.

5 x 3 Split Jerks @ 80/85%
Every 2:00

Did all 5 sets at 95Kg. Without realising it and upon checking later my 3RM is 97.5Kg! So I did 5 sets at just 2.5Kg below that max. I sense a 100kg 3RM incoming!

6 x 4 Front Squat @ 80%
Every 2:00

I did all 4 sets at 105Kg. Slightly heavier than my 80%. These were tough but got all of them. Been a heavy morning, but do enjoy working with a barbell.

Submitted my scores for Rainhill seeding. I will know by next Sunday which division I will be competing in!
Started to slightly de load this week just to make sure no injuries happen before the Open kicks off.

WOD 12:00 AMRAP (lol)

150 x Wallballs
90 x Double Unders
30 x Ring Muscle Ups

150 wallballs is a named Crossfit workout called Karen, I managed to get within 20 seconds of my PB time and came off the wallballs at 8:26 to move onto the double unders. With the shoulders not really working properly the double unders were a mission but finished those by 10:46 and managed to get 3 ring muscle ups before hitting the cap.

4 x 15 Bench Press @ 50%
Every 3:00

Did all my reps at 45Kg and happy with that. Didn't over do it, as bench takes it out of me usually!

4 x 15 Shoulders to Overhead (Pick your weight - Dumbells)
Every 2:30

As with the bench press I went lighter on the weight and used 15Kg dumbells and kept the reps smooth and fast with push press.
Quite a technical session today.

Snatch EMOM - Singles

0 - 3:00 @ 60%
3 - 6:00 @ 70%
6 - 9:00 @ 75%
9 - 12:00 @ 80%

Really enjoyed this, but snatch is one of my favourite lifts. Kept the numbers straightforward as the class was busy, 55/60/65/70Kg. All the reps felt good and smooth, with the occasional step forward after the catch.

WOD 21:00 Rolling Clock

7:00 AMRAP

6 x Thrusters (60Kg)
12 x Chest to Bar
24 x Pistol Squats (12 Each Leg)
48 x Double Unders

7:00 Rest

7:00 AMRAP

12 x Burpees
10 x Box Jumps (24")
8 x Deadlift (120Kg)

These workouts were tough, the first one was a technical one. My pistol squats always slow me down but I managed 1 round + 31 reps, did the 2 sets of 6 thrusters unbroken which is a big confidence boost as we all hate heavy thrusters. The final worokout was gassy, with a side helping of heavy deadlifts to contend with. I managed 2 rounds + 28 reps, just 2 deadlifts short of finishing that third round. All in all happy with the days work as some of these movements are not the best for me.
Tough update for me today.

18.1 didn't go well for me at all. Not because of the workout, but because I have been sick for the last 3 days leading up to it and had to post a score.

Open Workout 18.1

20:00 AMRAP

8 x Toes to Bar
10 x Dumbell Hang Clean + Jerks (22.5Kg)
14 x Cal Row

It seems to be a common theme emerging for me that the first workout goes wrong come Open time. Last year I injured myself, so this year I made sure my preparation was good and all the niggles had been ironed out. The only thing I didn't count on was coming down with a bug!

The workout was going smoothly, although I could feel my energy levels were no where near what the usually would be my pace was good and steady and I was looking on target for 9/10 rounds. But I started having a coughing fit halfway through the fourth round row, which lead to me starting to dry heave and legging it to the toilet where I spent the next 5 minutes heaving and getting myself back to being on the level. I came out with 7:00 or so left on the clock and proceeded to get back to the workout and finish 7 Cal's short of finishing round 7. For a total of 217 reps. Not sure I will redo on Monday, I may let my body recover fully and get ready for 18.2

Mentally its tough, after making such improvements and working so hard. To be pegged back is frustrating especially as it is out of my control. It shouldn't matter as there is no chance I will go to regionals and compete further on down the line in the Games season, but I put myself under pressure to perform well, as the last years training has mainly been for getting to this point.
Thanks for the support guys.

A little update for you, it turns out I haven't had a bug. It has been full on Flu that went through me like a train on Sunday. Barely being able to walk, cold sweats, headaches, lack of appetite, body temperatures all over the place. Monday was an improvement, and today I am up and about and on the mend.

Really hoping to get in for Friday when I originally had 18.2 planned in for, as I am meant to be working nights Friday/Saturday. So Friday or Monday are the ideal days for me to attempt 18.2. But if I am still on the mend I will definitely go for a one and done attempt on Monday. Not being able to train is horrible and I really miss it, with the temperatures and sudden wintry conditions here in Kent at the moment I am staying inside and staying warm.

Got my seeding back from the Rainhill Trials and my submitted scores placed me 41/241 and in the "Rocket" catagory. Very happy as it means I am in the highest division and that at least gave me a bit of a confidence boost over the last few days.
Feel a little bit of redemption today. Walked into the box for the first time since last Saturday to do 18.2. Due to night shifts tonight and Saturday night this was going to be my only real chance to get a good shot at it.

18.2 Ascending Ladder


1 x Front Rack Dumbell Squats
1 x Bar Facing Burpees
2 x
2 x
3 x
3 x
10 x
10 x

18.2a Remaining time - Set 1 RM Clean

In my mind I thought that if I was feeling 100% I was looking at roughly 8mins to finish the work and have 4 minutes to set the 1RM. In reality I took it steady and consistent and finished in 9:39 and had enough time to get 3 lifts in. Power cleaned 90Kg and 100Kg, before asking my helpers to wack 105Kg on the bar as my coach said "Sod that put 107.5Kg on the bar" I had one shot at lifting it and went for it at 11:45 and got it using the full squat clean. So managed to hit 95% of my 1RM. Pumped didn't quite cover it, I am really happy with that considering the last week I have had.
It is a deceptively hard ladder. A chap went after me, one of the guys trying to RX all the open and didn't finish round 9 by 12:00.

I did not break the squats and my pace was consistent through the burpees with no breaks on the floor or between reps. You have to keep moving and not break if you want to get to the cleans with some time to spare.

I finished round 8 at 6:22, round 9 7:54 and round 10 9:39 so you can see I was on an almost constant 1:30 rounds for those last 3.
Hard first day back training in about 12 days. Definitely feel weaker and not quite where I was before I was ill. But I will get stronger and back to where I want to be by the end of the open.

5 x 8 Bench Press @ 80%
Every 2:30

Went for 70Kg and didn't feel too bad until the last set where I failed on rep 6. Not a fan of bench, but still did the work and got it done.

WOD 15:00

30 x Wallballs
30 x Pullups
30 x Wallballs
20 x Chest to Bars
30 x Wallballs
10 x Bar Muscle Up

This would usually be right up my street. I put a good shift in, but had to break the last set of wallballs into 5's and I have not done that for an extremely long time. Definitely feeling the lack of energy, but thats part of recovering and coming back harder.

Finished the workout in 13:23. Glad to see I can still bar mu!
Today endurance WOD. Exactly what I did not want to see on the board!

32:00 EMOM

1. 10 x Dumbell Thrusters (22.5Kg)
2. 7 x Strict Pullups
3. 10 x Handstand Pressups (20's)
4. 15 x Cal Row

Now I scaled the reps back to give myself the best chance at just getting through knowing that I still am not feeling 100%. So I did 5/6 of the thrusters, 5 pullups each round, 8/6 handstand pressups and 12 cal row.

Felt good to move through and scaling the reps back gave me enough rest time throughout the workout. Making improvements and slowly getting back into it.
Good work done today.

18:00 AMRAP

10 x Shoulders to Overhead (60Kg)
6 x Over bar Burpees
10 x Hang cleans
6 x Over bar Burpees
10 x Front Squats
6 x Over bar Burpees

Just kept moving, got through 2 rounds and got to 1st front squat in the third. Energy levels are still on the low side but moved the weight well.

WOD "Annie"

50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10

Double Unders

Been a long time since I've done this workout. Double Unders went really well, only tripped once in the round of 40 otherwise all unbroken. Got cramp during the round of 30 situps but still posted a 9:16 finish. Happy with that.
So 18.3 happened today.

When I saw it posted I knew it was all going to hinge on how well I could ring muscle up. Frustratingly I know that if the bar muscle ups had been first I would have got so much deeper into the workout.


2 Rounds

100 x Double Unders
20 x Overhead Squats (52Kg)
100 x Double Unders
12 x Ring Muscle Ups
100 x Double Unders
20 x Dumbell Snatch (22.5Kg)
100 x Double Unders
12 x Bar Muscle Ups

So I completed 7 of the ring muscle ups by the time cap hit. I missed about 7-10 attempts, which wasted so much energy.

Me being competitive with myself am mildly disappointed with my results as I wanted to get passed the rings. But I have to look at it in a positive way, this time last year I had only just done my first few bar muscle ups and could not get anywhere near getting them on the rings. I've only been doing them since December so to get 7 done is great. Give me another years work and I will be able to string them together so much better and efficiently.

Another positive is that I did the first 100 double unders unbroken, setting myself a PB for unbroken double unders! 57 seconds to get all 100 done, pretty chuffed with that.

So many positives to take away from this workout, and leaves me motivated to keep improving!
Today's session was a good one. Mainly because I hate these particular kind of workouts.

4 x 12 Strict Press (Pick your weight)
Every 2:30

I went with 40Kg, completed 3 rounds, the last few reps of round 3 were shaky as heck bu got it done. Then failed on rep 9 of the last set. Definitely feel like I picked the right weight to challenge me then take me to failure at the end.

WOD1 7:00

9 - 15 - 21

Overbar Burpees
Overhead Squats (42.5Kg)

5:00 Rest

WOD2 10:00
3 Rounds

24 x Wallballs
12 x Cleans (Power/Squat 70Kg)

This structure of workout ruins me every time it is programmed. WOD1 I hit cap with 17 squats left, trying to get the work in such a tight time cap is so hard and you do end up gassing out so quickly. 5 minutes rest flies by and although it looks like a long time, it really isn't. The wallballs of WOD2 were ok in sets of 12 but the cleans were in singles all the way through, I could never get a quick pace going with them as fatigue was really setting in. Managed to get to the last round and hit cap with 26 reps left. Collapsed and didn't move for a good 5 minutes.

After finishing I went and got the rings set up and did some ring muscle ups. Motivated to keep drilling the technique until it really becomes second nature and I can happily string them in sets of 3/4.
Good work Macca. Yea the atmosphere is always great around the Open, one of my favourite times of year!

Today was another split workout!

5 x 8 Back Squat (60/70%)
Every 2:30

Nice to get some back squat going, did the first 2 sets at 90Kg, then 2 at 95Kg and finished the last set on 100Kg. Definitely felt like I got the weights right as the last 2 reps of each set got progressively more difficult.

WOD 23:00 Rolling Clock

WOD1 10:00
4 Rounds

10 x Handstand Pressup
15 x Box Jump (30")

3:00 Rest

WOD2 10:00

4 Rounds

8 x Strict Handstand Pressups
12 x Box Overs

No idea why the coach thought it was a good idea to put the strict work after the kipping work. My shoulders were goosed! Completed the first WOD in 6:44 so I got just over 6:00 rest. But even that did not seem to help as soon as we got to the strict work. I managed 1 whole round on WOD2 because the shoulders just didn't have much left at all and each rep was a grind.

Afterwards I got back on the rings and did some more muscle ups. Consistent practice is the key for long term gains!
Wednesday was all the cardio again!

WOD 32:00


1. 15 x Down Ups
2. 15 x Russian Kettlebell Swings (32kg)
3. 15 x Cal Row
4. 15 x Wallballs

I had the pleasure of doing this with the head coach and one of the athletes. I managed to keep pace for 3 of the 8 rounds, before having to scale back the downups to 8 and wallballs to 10 or risk hitting the red line and never recovering. Kept the swings and row at RX though.

More muscle up practice after the session finished!
Today was a good one. Enjoyed it!

4 x 12 Bench Press @ 50/60%
Every 2:30

Paired up with one of our old coaches who was back for the day and he improved my bench technique hugely. Which meant weights went up considerably as well. First set at 55Kg, second at 60Kg, third at 62.5Kg and failed at 8 reps on the last set at 65Kg.

WOD1 8:00 EMOM

1. 5 x Power Snatch (60Kg)
2. 10 x Pistol Squats

3:00 Rest


1. 12 x Dumbell Lunges (22.5Kg)
2. 10 x Pullups

Really enjoyed this, the power snatch was good and hit all of those reps. The pistols felt horrible after the last few days work and got around 6-8 each minute, occasionally falling over. Now I got told to modify the lunges to make them harder, basically they became dumbells overhead lunges. All the shoulder stability in the world made this insanely difficult and I hit 4/6 reps each time before I became unstable overhead. Pullups were done in sets of 10 and were not a problem.

Tomorrow I will be taking it easy and have my monthly appointment with the sports therapist before going for 18.4 on Saturday.
18.4 Today!

9:00 Cap

21 - 15 - 9

Deadlifts (102Kg)
Handstand Pressups

21 - 15 - 9

Deadlifts (143Kg)
50 Ft Handstand Walk

The bit that made this hard was the actual standard for the handstands. I felt like I was spending 1/2 more seconds pretty much holding the handstand before getting given the rep, which was hugely frustrating and also very taxing on the shoulders. In the end I was 3 reps of finishing the first workout, so 87 reps total.

What I find incredible is the elite level athletes finishing the second workout also within the 9:00.
Thanks! Glad to not be doing it again anytime soon.

Hard work was done tonight.

37:00 Rolling Clock

0:00 - 12:00
3 Rounds

10 x Clusters (42.5Kg)
15 x Hang Power Cleans
20 x Shoulder to Overhead

12:00 - 14:00 Rest

14:00 - 25:00
3 Rounds

8 x Clusters (52.5Kg)
12 x HPC
16 x STOH

25:00 - 27:00 Rest

27:00 - 37:00
3 Rounds

6 x Clusters (60Kg)
8 x HPC
12 x STOH

Reps went down, weight went up! Second round was the hardest, I really felt as though the clusters were going to bury me. Managed to finish the first round in 11:07, hit cap + 36 reps in round 2 and cap + 23 in the third. Relentless and hard work, roll on tomorrow's session.
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