Back to training today. Thought I was good to go, but my quads were very much unhappy in the second workout!
5 x 5 Hook Grip Tempo Deadlift (5 seconds up/1 second down) - @50%
First 2 sets at 90Kg then the final 3 at 95Kg. Hard one to work out the weight as I was a decent bit above my 1RM and still felt like I could have gone heavier.
WOD 21:00
3 Rounds
10 x Squat Clean @60%
200m Sprint
3:00 Rest
It became very apparent during the first set of 10 that my legs were still feeling quite ropey after the competition but kept up quick singles on the cleans, did 65Kg for all sets. The sprint was really as fast a ran as your legs have in you. Kept it just below 2:00 rounds and finished in 11:54.
12:00 EMOM
1. 20sec L Sit Dead hang
2. 16 Cal Row
3. 30 sec Handstand hold
This was good, I cannot maintain the 90 degree L sit at the moment. My legs are straight at about 45 degrees! Row and handstand hold were all fine.
After the session hit a set of 3 ring muscle ups. Happy with how these are progressing, feel like I will start moving to focus on getting handstand walks shortly.
Good first session back, nice to get back in the box with fresh motivation!
5 x 5 Hook Grip Tempo Deadlift (5 seconds up/1 second down) - @50%
First 2 sets at 90Kg then the final 3 at 95Kg. Hard one to work out the weight as I was a decent bit above my 1RM and still felt like I could have gone heavier.
WOD 21:00
3 Rounds
10 x Squat Clean @60%
200m Sprint
3:00 Rest
It became very apparent during the first set of 10 that my legs were still feeling quite ropey after the competition but kept up quick singles on the cleans, did 65Kg for all sets. The sprint was really as fast a ran as your legs have in you. Kept it just below 2:00 rounds and finished in 11:54.
12:00 EMOM
1. 20sec L Sit Dead hang
2. 16 Cal Row
3. 30 sec Handstand hold
This was good, I cannot maintain the 90 degree L sit at the moment. My legs are straight at about 45 degrees! Row and handstand hold were all fine.
After the session hit a set of 3 ring muscle ups. Happy with how these are progressing, feel like I will start moving to focus on getting handstand walks shortly.
Good first session back, nice to get back in the box with fresh motivation!