Jesters* Crossfit Journey

New Years eve training.

"New Year Mayhem"


31 x Down Ups
31 x Overhead Plate Lunge
31 x Deadlift (60Kg)
31 x Box Jumps (24")
31 x Power Cleans (50Kg)
31 x Thrusters (40Kg)
18 x Man Makers (22.5Kg Dumbells)
31 x Thrusters
31 x Power Cleans
31 x Box Jumps
31 x Deadlift
31 x Overhead Plate Lunge
31 x Down Ups

Quite simply a pretty impossible workout in the time frame. So it really is max effort for 31 minutes. The man makers are absolutely ruinous, in combination with the thrusters before and after it tears your soul to bits.

Managed to get 5 power cleans into the second set. So 240 reps total. Really glad that is done for another year.

So now we are in 2019, first day back at work and the diet starts again in full force today. Getting myself back into the swing of things this week, back into double sessions next week linked with pool work. Will be signing up to ROMWOD at home in the coming week as well to get my stretching game on point.

Just under 2 months until the Crossfit Open kicks off and I really want a good open performance this year.
Wednesday Athletes

First athletes session after the break was quite a relaxed affair.


Handstand Walk Practice

5:00 Ring Work

For me that was 4 x 3 unbroken Ring Muscle Ups


To aim to set a heavy 1RM Clean and Jerk (Aim for 90% of 1RM)

This went really well and I managed a 110 C+J. The jerk was slightly ropey but that is still pretty much 98% of my 1RM.

7:00 AMRAP

7 x Ground to Overhead (70Kg)
49 x Double Unders

Managed 3 rounds +3. Wasn't fun, double unders felt really difficult.

10:00 Rest

7:00 AMRAP

12 x Overhead Squat (47.5Kg)
12 x Pistol Squats EL (24 total)

Again exposes my pistol squats quite badly. Managed 1 round + 18 reps.
Thursday was all about the gas tank.

Warm Up 10:00

3 Rounds

20 x Plate Ground to Overhead (20Kg)
15 x Plate Strict Press (20Kg)
10 x Overhead Plate Step Overs (20kg - 24" Box)


40 x Box Jumps (24")

The warm ups are in danger of becoming full on workouts which makes me wary. So I still take my time, stretch mid way through and plod along.

12:00 AMRAP

12 x Dumbell Snatch (22.5Kg)
12 x Burpee

Burpees and dumbell snatches for 12 whole minutes. Kept a steady pace and did 7 rounds + 14.

5:00 Rest

12:00 AMRAP

12 x Thrusters (40Kg)
12 x Overbar Burpees

This was horrible. Movements most Crossfitters hate, put together for another 12 minutes. Legs felt like lead, blowing hard and doing the thrusters in sets of 6. Completed 4 + 16.
Team workout today had a slightly different flavour to kick it off.

Bench Press - Warm up to 70% of 1RM

Then Teams of 3

5RM Benchpress - 3 Attempts each. (Score is best 5RM of each person added together)

I managed to hit 85Kg for 5 which is 85% of my 1RM and my team mates hit 52.5Kg and 35Kg respectively.

WOD 35:00

200 x Cal Row
200 x Wallballs
100 x Cal Row
100 x Toes to Bar

A good little heart raiser in our teams. The row was split into 1:00 intervals, I started off doing sets of 10 wallballs but found I had more in the tank so switched to sets of 20 to speed us up then my sets on toes to bar were 15/10/10 to finish in 27:02.

Moving on to the weekend and I am resting tomorrow. Going for breakfast and doing a few bits and bobs with the wife before hitting barbell club on Sunday.
Barbell Club Sunday was very enjoyable.

Coach Led Warmup

Various crab walks, bear crawls, frog jumps interjected by 100m jogging.

10:00 EMOM

1 x Squat Snatch
1 x Hang Squat Snatch
1 x High Hang Squat Snatch

The aim was to hit 70-80% if you completed this complex on the 16th December. I hit 75Kg but decided to to open at the 80% which worked out at 60Kg. Hit all 10 sets of the complex and I really felt like I was moving well.

10:00 EMOM

1 x Hang Squat Clean
1 x Squat Clean
1 x Split Jerk

The same idea as above but I did not complete this complex back in December so I guestimated at 80% of my Split Jerk 1RM seeing as it was the lightest of all 3 lifts. Completed all 10 sets at 85Kg. No real issues moving the bar so very happy.
Monday, I really had to drag myself into train.

Post night shift and not feeling 100% had my motivation low along with my energy levels.

Warm Up 6:00

2 Rounds

30 sec Extended Plank
10 x Hand Release Push Ups
30 sec Hollow Hold
5 x Candle Sticks
30 sec Under Hand Dead Hang
10 x Walkouts

Did movements, got warm.

WOD: 3 x 5:00 AMRAP (21:00)

12 x Deadlift (70Kg)
9 x Hang Power Cleans
6 x Push Jerks
5 x Pullups
10 x Push Ups
15 x Air Squats

The hang cleans were what slowed me down, really was not feeling this today and bar felt heavy. Hit 1 + 27 / 1 + 17 / 1 + 18 for the 3 rounds, so not terrible but not exactly a crazy pace.

Strict Press 3 x 20 @ 40% Every 3:00
Complete 30 sec Handstand Hold after each set.

Yea this was a challenge. Heck it would have been hard without having to do the handstand hold. Managed 20 / 15 / 12 reps at 30Kg. Completed all the holds, shoulders were sore after this.

Night shift tonight, hoping to feel a little more perky tomorrow but we shall see.
Tuesday I trained solo, under the coaches watchful eye.

Warm Up 9:00
3 Rounds

20 x Air Squats
20 x Wide Air Squats
3 Laps OH Plate Walk (20Kg)
10 x Jumping Pullups

Enjoyed the warmup got all warm on a chilly afternoon.

Tempo Sumo Deadlift

3 x 10 (3 sec up / 3 sec down) @ 50% of 1RM Deadlift
No Mixed Grip

Did all 3 sets at 85Kg. Was a tough last set, grip was not happy!

WOD 20:00

150 x Double Unders
60 x Wallballs
30 x Chest to Bars
150 x Double Unders

Scored Twice - Time at completion of wallballs then final score at the end.

This was tough, double unders went ok, which means they weren't terrible but they weren't amazing either. First split was at 6:34 then finished in 13:59. That last set of DU were brutal.

Warm Up 6:00
4 Rounds

20 x Mountain Climbes
10 x Air Squats

Gradually sped up. Got warm!

Zercher Squats 3 x 12 (Pick Your Weight)
Every 2:30

Still amazingly uncomfortable form of squatting and I am not a fan. But did all sets at 60Kg.

WOD 1 4:00

1:30 Max Strict HSPU (Hands on 20Kg Plates)
30 sec Rest
1:00 Max Strict HSPU
30 sec Rest
30 sec Max Strict HSPU

Tough, managed to get 14 across all 3 rounds.

WOD 2 20:00

30 x Burpees
30 x Wallballs
30 x Kettlebell Swings (32kg)
30 x Dumbell Push Press (Each Arm - 22.5Kg)
30 x Pullups
30 x Cal Row/Bike/Ski

This was quite fun, moved well throughout. Wallballs in 2 x 15, swings in 10's, push presses in 10's and the pullups in 10's also. I chose to ski at the end as I really do need to put more time into using it. Finished in 13:53
Friday team workout was split into 2.

Coach Led Warm Up 10:00

Stretching and general mobilising was done before getting into pairs and hitting the following...

WOD 1 15:00

6 Rounds - I go, You go

60 x Double Unders
30 x Kettlebell Swings (24Kg)
15 x Burpees

Rest 15 - 18:00

WOD 2 20:00 AMRAP

4 x Power Snatch (50Kg)
8 x Ring Dips
12 x Box Overs (24")

*Break reps however you want*

Hard work, the first workout I felt was harder for me. Wanted to get all my double unders unbroken but tripped on 51 in the first round, but the next 2 rounds all 60 unbroken. Swings were done in 15/15 until my third round where the forearms started to die and went 10/10/10. We managed to get 4 Rounds + 96 reps.

Second workout was quite smooth for me, my partner suffered more and I took on more reps so she could recover. In the end we managed 15 rounds + 5 reps.

A weekend off for me as I am on mornings at work, so miss all the weekend sessions. Just some stretching at home until Monday!
Fine mornings training.

Coach Led Warmup 7:00

4 x 8 Overhead Squats @ 70% of 1RM
Every 3:00

Hit my percentages on this nicely. All 4 sets complete at 70Kg.

WOD 14:00

21 x Wallbals (20lb)
15 x Power Snatch (40Kg)
9 x Overbar Burpees

Got gassy very quickly, broke up my reps from the start 11/10 then 5/5/5 and just ground out the burpees. Managed to get 3 rounds + 32 reps.

2 x 2 Back Squat @ 85% of 1RM

No specific time between the sets on this one, the idea being post exhaust lifting at a heavy weight. Went slightly under my 85% but still managed 125Kg for both sets.

That was the end of the session, but my coach who is prepping for the European Championships wanted some company lifting and I had nothing better to do and stayed back to do:

5 x 1 Clean + Jerk @ 80% 1RM
5 x 1 Snatch @ 80% of 1RM

The idea was to hit all lifts without failing any reps. Clean and jerk felt good and I managed to hit higher percentages, weights were as follows 90/95/95/100/100. Snatch went well, but I stayed at bang on 80% and did all my lifts at 72.5Kg.
I don't envy you with all this haha

Thanks for still reading! The difficulty should only be going up as I progress.

Tuesdays session was a mixed affair, some good and some not so good!

Warm Up 6:00

10 - 20 - 30 - 20 - 10

Plate Ground to Overhead (20Kg)
Hollow Rocks

Did ground to overhead and rocked a bit. Got warm.

10:00 Stretching

WOD1 12:00
4 Rounds

10 x Dumbell Strict Press (22.5Kg 10 Each Arm)
10 x Plate Step Ups (20Kg - 24" Box)
10 x Toes to Bar

30 Seconds Rest

This went so so, left shoulder wasn't playing ball and was a little tight. Got through 2 rounds and 14 reps.

WOD2 E3MOM - 15:00 (5 Sets)

5 x Strict Press @ 70%
10 x Down Ups
10 x Burpees

This went well however. Did 45Kg which is pretty bang on my percentage and finished each round in roughly 1:30.
No athlete training for me this Wednesday due to being on nights. So I trained in the morning.

Warm Up 7:00
2 Rounds

15 x Good Mornings (Empty Bar)
10 x Strict Pullups
200m Jog

As always moved casually and got warm. Stretched mid way through as the left shoulder is still feeling tight.

Overhead Squat - Heaviest Load Possible (15:00)

5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1

This went extremely well, a proper confidence builder. I posted my PB last year in video and knew I had more in the tank and today I hit a new PB (managed the same weight twice as well) with coach saying there was definitely more in the tank, I also felt strong and solid. To PB after doing heavy sets of 5's and 3's felt awesome.

Weights as follows: 80/85 90/95 102.5/102.5

WOD 8:00

30 - 24 - 18 - 12 - 6
15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3

Dumbell Snatch (22.5Kg)

With such a short time cap I knew I would have to go unbroken through the snatches to stand a chance of finishing. Unbroken I went and went sub 7 minutes to hit 6:56.

Today was a massive boost and them positive feelings are in full swings.
Thursdays session was a good one for the glutes.

Warm Up 10:00
3 Rounds

20 x Air Squat - Reach Out
30 seconds Plank
20 x Deadlift (40Kg)
30 seconds Extended Plank
20 x Front Rack Lunges (40Kg)

A good warm up followed by another 10:00 of stretching.

Rear Rack - Bulgarian Split Squat 12:00

3 x 10 - Pick Your Weight

This was tough, went for a challenging weight of 45Kg and got through all 60 squats (30 on each leg). Should be a really good squat to help with pistol squats.

WOD 12:00

30 seconds on / 30 second rest

Max Wallballs

So I did something a little extra with this and used the heavy wall ball. A 4kg increase on the normal RX to be 13Kg total. Tried to stick to 10 reps every 30 seconds for the whole 12:00 and nearly made it, posting a total of 118 reps total.

2 days off returning to training Sunday!
Sunday athletes session was a team affair.

15:00 Warm Up / Stretch

Teams of 3

1 Mile Row
90 x Dumbell Thrusters (2 x 22.5Kg)
90 x Dumbell Snatch (1 x 22.5Kg)
90m Overhead Dumbell Lunges (2 x 22.5Kg)
90 x Dumbell Box Step Overs (2 x 22.5kg)
90 x Chest to Bars

* Each person does 1 mile on the rower - You have to complete your 30 reps before tagging the next person *

No time cap on this one, just get through the work. At points it was a real slog, I felt pretty sick during the lunges. Unfortunately I managed to get the short straw and was the last on the row. Which meant I got way less rest as my team mates cruised through the thrusters quickly.

Probably the worst I have felt during a workout for a while.
Monday was a mixed variety day!

Warm Up 8:00
3 Rounds

5 x Hindu Pressups
15 x Hollow Rocks
10 x Spiderman Pushups
10 x Bent Over Row (20Kg Bar - 3 sec pause at sternum)

Got bendy and warm. Body felt pretty good bar pretty achy calves.

Bench Press 12:00

Max Load for the following sets 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3

So 5 attempts to set a max load for 3's. My weights went as follows 80/85/90/95 (Fail at rep 3) and I called it after this. Didn't want to push too hard and I was happy to hit my 90% for 3 reps.

WOD 1 8:00

3 x Sets of Unbroken Double Unders

It was a middling day of double unders. First 2 sets were underwhelming and I felt so much better during the third set but tripped as I relaxed which was immensely frustrating. Reps were 45/49/51.

WOD 2 13:00

100 x Box Jumps (24")
75 x Wallballs
25 x Overhead Plate Box Step Overs (20Kg Plate)

As with the last time I did wallballs I took the opportunity to use the heavy 13kg ball. Box jumps were ticked off by 5:00 but the heavy ball took its toll and sets of 5-8 reps were the order of the day. Had around 90 seconds of time left to get the step overs done and managed 16. So cap + 9 and fully ruined at the end of it.
Tuesday was a solid cardio day.

Warm Up 10:00
2 Rounds

10 x Halting Deadlifts (40Kg)
10 x Single Leg Floor Touches
Then......3 Sets
45 sec Glute Bridge Hold (20Kg Plate)
15 sec Rest

Got warm and got those glutes going.

Coach Led Stretching/WOD Prep 10:00

WOD1: 7:00 AMRAP

4 x Power Snatch (50Kg)
8 x Hand Release Push Ups
12 x Squat Bar Jumps

All out push for 7 minutes. Went at a good pace and hit 5 rounds +2 reps.

4:00 Rest

WOD2: 15:00
3 Rounds

40 x Single Arm Dumbell Push Press (20 Each Arm)
12 x Deadlifts @ Bodyweight
21 x Box Jumps (24")

*Split Push Press as Desired*

Thought I could set a good pace on this one, have been gaining in confidence recently with the 22.5Kg dumbells. Split the first set of presses as 20/20 but changed to alternating arm sets of 10's for sets 2 and 3. Deadlifts were done at 85Kg and were not a problem and the box jumps you just slog through. Finished in 10:30.
Wednesday was a day of training.


30 minutes in the pool. Various stroke drills and sprinting.


Athletes session was a relaxed affair but got some really good results.

10:00 Handstand Walk Practice

Max unbroken Toes to Bar - (30 reps minimum)

I managed 25/5. Not bad at all, but really taxed the grip and I really couldn't get out the last 5 reps.

Snatch Ladder - TEC 19.1

Lifting Every Minute 10:00

70 - 75 - 80 - 85 - 90 - 92.5 - 95 - 97.5 - 100 - 102.5

This snatch ladder was originally programmed for us as my coach is competing at the European Championships this weekend. But it evolved during the session to be a bit more flexible on the timings and let everyone just play about with their lifts. But still lifting on average every 2:00.

Hit my snatches first time until 85Kg where I dropped the first attempt, got the second. Same went for 90Kg as I dropped the first but got the second. This equalled my current PB and was only the second time I managed to hit 90Kg. Then came 4 attempts at 92.5Kg and failed each rep, coming very close but not quite making it. But right at the end, I decided to just have a shot at my friends 95Kg bar and first time I hit the lift. A huge 5Kg PB increase. Definitely enjoyed that.
Thursday was a strength and bodyweight day.

Warm Up 15:00
3 Rounds

15 x Plate Strict Press (20Kg)
20 x Russian Twists (10Kg)
15 x Kettlebell Taters (16Kg)
45 sec Goblet Squat Hold (16Kg)
30 sec Dead Hang

As always got warm and moved well.

Handstand Pushups - 10 Second Negatives - 5:00

1 Every 30 Seconds

Surprisingly hard and very taxing on the shoulders. Managed to hit every negative.

Back Squat 15:00 - 5 Sets
Ever 3:00

4 @ 70%
3 @ 80%
2 @ 85%
1 @ 90%
1 @ Pick Your Weight

Wanted to lift well and hit my percentages, which I did. Weights went 105/120/127.5/135/145. 6Kg below my current PB and felt good, would be nice to push the back squat higher soon.

CFGS Handstand Ninja Test 4:00

15 sec on / 15 sec off
15 sec on / 15 sec off
30 sec on / 30 sec off
45 sec on / 15 sec off
60 sec

I do enjoy this little challenge, as in previous attempts I made each round. Name still firmly on the board for completing it!
Team workout Friday to round out the weeks training.

Warm Up 12:00
2 Rounds

20 x Barbell Good Mornings (20Kg)
10 x Candle Sticks
10 x Pullups
1Km Bike/500m Row/500m Ski

Did my usual, moved slow and controlled to get warm.

Max Effort Plank Hold

This would have gone much better if the coach didn't make it her mission to make me laugh the whole way through and I broke at 1:30


Teams of 2

Ascending Ladder of 2's

2 x Dumbell Devil Press (2 x 22.5Kg)
2 x Dumbell Box Step Ups (2 x 22.5kg)
4 x
4 x
6 x
6 x

This was a good workout that went by really quickly. My partner attempted the RX with me, but it suited me much more than him. We split the reps into 2's each and at times throughout the workout I completed a set of 4-6 to give him a bit of a break before fatigue fully hit.

We were 2 reps short of finishing the 18's. So 16 + 34 reps.

Have just signed up to the Crossfit Open for the fourth year running. Definitely one of my favourite times of year.

Resting for the next 2 days due to night shifts. Training will resume in full force Monday.
Monday was a simple but ruinous day.

Warm Up 12:00

4 Rounds

20 x Wallball Hamstring Curls
20 x Wallball Situps
40 x Deadbug March

Got those hamstrings going, core engaging and glutes activated.

Who loves barbell complexes, I do, just not this one. Lower back pump.

WOD 22:00

50 Rounds

1 x Deadlift
1 x Squat Clean
1 x Front Squat
1 x Push Press
1 x Push Jerk

RX - 40kg
ARX - 50Kg

Sooooooooooo this happened and it felt terrible. To finish you had to maintain almost 3 sets per minute for the entire 22 minutes. Around set 25 I was really starting to regret all my life choices. The last 10 sets were emotional. Managed to finish in 21:04. Don't really want to see this again for a long long time.
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