Jesters* Crossfit Journey

So Saturday arrived and with it CrossFit Open 19.1 was the order of the day.


15:00 AMRAP

19 x Wallballs (9Kg Ball)
19 Cal Row

A super simple workout, which also truly sucks. Trying to maintain a solid pace for 15 minutes is difficult, I went in with a clear score in mind and tactics on how I was going to do it. I wanted to keep to a round every 2:00 to get 7 rounds in before hitting cap. Keeping a good 1200-1300 Cals/p/hr on the rower and breaking the wallballs into 11/8 from the start. Happy to report that I did manage to stick to my pacing and hit 7 rounds + 5 reps at the cap, a total of 271 reps.

I will not be redoing this workout before submitting my score as I don't think I had much wiggle room. With 1 no rep for a wallball shot. I might only improve by 5/6 reps overall. So saving myself for next weeks training and 19.2.
Thanks pal. Definitely give the open workouts a go! It will make a difference.

Monday was Hero WOD "Contact 22"

  • 200 meter Run
  • 22 Snatches (40Kg)
  • 22 Pull-Ups
  • 22 Medicine Ball Cleans (20lb)
  • 22 Elbow Plank to Push-Ups
  • 22 Wall Ball Shots (20lb)
  • 22 Deadlifts (40Kg)
  • 22 Air Squats
  • 22 Overhead Walking Lunges (20Kg plate)
  • 22 Box Jumps (24")
  • 22 Power Cleans (40Kg)
  • 2x20 second Bar Hang
  • 22 Calorie Row
  • 22 Handstand Push-Ups
  • 22 Back Squats (40Kg)
  • 22 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
  • 22 Bar Facing Burpees
  • 22 Thrusters (40Kg)
  • 22 Jerks (40Kg)
  • 2 Rope Climbs
  • 22 Overhead Squats (40Kg)
  • 22 Kettlebell Swings (24Kg)
This was a lot of work and seemed to go on forever. One of those chipper workouts where you just keep grinding until you get it done. I finished in 35:06.
Tuesday was a nice crazy EMOM workout. Post first night shift I came in and just moved well without putting myself under too much pressure to finish or go balls out.

Warm Up 7:00

400m Job
3 Rounds of

5 x Snatch DL
5 x Snatch Pull
5 x Overhead Squat

*20Kg Bar*

Did some jogging, moved a bar around, got warm.

Additional Stretching and Mobility Work

36:00 EMOM


15 x Dumbell Front Squats (22.5Kg)
15 x Burpee Plate Jumps (3 x 20kg Plate Stack)
75 x Double Unders

3:00 - 6:00

7 x Strict Pullups
12 x Toes to Bar
20 x Box Jumps

6:00 - 9:00

3 x Squat Snatch @ 70%
5 x Squat Snatch @ 60%
7 x Squat Snatch @ 50%

09:00 - 12:00

200m Run

So this was quite good fun really. I must admit to cruising the front squats and plate jumps and doing just 25 double unders each time round. Got all the rounds for the second set of movements and managed to get at least the 3x and 5x squat snatch done each time, my weights were 70/60/50Kg. Didn't miss a snatch and they were all quite good solid lifts.

Handstand walks are progressing. Walked about 3m's on my hands!
Wednesday Athlete session was some heavy barbell work. Plus short EMOM at the end.

Warm Up 10:00

Any specific barbell mobilising to enable the following:

12:00 To Match 90% of 1RM

Clean + Jerk

Then 3 Sets of:

Clean + Jerk - Snatch - Clean + Jerk - Snatch (@70% of 1RM)
90 Seconds Between Lifts

Lifts went really well, hit 85Kg Snatch and 100Kg Clean + Jerk with no missed lifts which does match my percentages. Then hit 65Kg Snatch and 80Kg Clean + Jerks for the second set of lifts.

WOD 15:00 EMOM

1 x Strict Handstand Pushup (20Kg Plates)
5 x Handstand Pushup
15 x Double Unders

This was going to get tough on the shoulders quite early on. I managed 6 rounds before I was unable to maintain the strict deficit HSPU and moved the plates out of the way and just went from the floor for the rest of the rounds. Double Unders felt ok, but they have not been as smooth recently.
Thursday was a good little session.

Coach Led Warm Up

. Banded shoulder work.
. Overhead mobilising.

Into 10:00

Handstand Walk Progression

This was good fun, I have been working hard on this skill and had some improvements so much so that I have managed to walk 4 meters on my hands. Will need to get a video done, as we all like seeing videos of fun things and people walking on their hands.

Every 3:00 for 9:00 @ 70% of 1RM

3 x Push Press
5 x Push Jerk

*Bar Starts on the Floor*
*No Reloading Reps*

Did all my sets at 70Kg. Shoulders were feeling a little toasted by this point!

WOD 12:00

15 - 12 - 9 - 12 - 15

Alternating Dumbell Snatch (22.5Kg)
Burpee Box Jumps (24")

Unfortunately the the snatch reps were each arm. So double the number (30 - 24 - 18 - 24 - 30) and it felt like they went on foreeeeeever. Went completely unbroken on them however but still didn't move quick enough to finish. With 13 reps of burpee box jumps left at the cap.
Saturday was 19.2

A ladder style workout where you earn your way higher into other rounds by completing the previous round in time.

0 - 8:00

25 x Toes to Bar
50 x Double Unders
15 x Squat Cleans (61Kg)

25 x Toes to Bar
50 x Double Unders
13 x Squat Cleans (83Kg)

If completed before 8:00 add 4:00 on and complete

25 x Toes to Bar
50 x Double Unders
11 x Squat Cleans (102Kg)

I'll stop at this point but this continues for another 2 rounds at weights that I probably would never have made, had I even got there. This workout was a bit of a disappointment for me as my double unders really didn't turn up, so I am going to need to turn my attention to them and practice alongside my handstand walking. Only managed 6 cleans at 83Kg before hitting cap, my fellow athletes were getting to the cleans a full minute ahead of me and were only 1 or 2 reps ahead of me at the end. The weight really wasn't an issue, the double unders were.

Beating myself up a little bit, but this is a repeat workout from 2016 where I scaled it. So whatever my score it was already an improvement.

But there is more work to be done. Better get my head down and do more of it.
Got back to work Monday.

Hero Workout "Wade"

1200m Run Cash In

4 Rounds

12 x Strict Pullups
9 x Strict Ring Dips
6 x Strict Handstand PUshups

1200m Run Cash Out

Simple but effective strict workout. Cracked out a good 2:00 400m pace at the start to get the run done in 6:00 on the nose. Then the strict work was broken down into however I felt, it was very shoulder heavy with a bit of chest with the ring dips. On the final run my timings were slightly worse at roughly 2:05-2:10 for 400ms. Finished in 23:35.
Tuesday was deceptively tough. Especially what is usually termed the "Warm Up".

E2MOM for 18:00 (9 Sets)

10 x Left Leg Bulgarian Split Goblet Squats
10 x Right Leg Bulgarian Split Squats
20 x Hollow Rocks
15 x Arm Angels (2.5Kg Plate)

Soooo this was pretty impossible past the first round. So scaled the reps back to get as much work done while leaving a little bit of rest at the end of the 2:00 before the next round.

Bench Press

3 x 10 For Max Load
Every 2:30

You got to pick your max load. But if you didn't hit the 10 reps it counted as a DNF so pick wisely. I hit 60/65/70Kg. So finished on 70% of my 1RM. Happy with that.

WOD 5:00

30 x Dumbell Snatch (22.5Kg)
20 x Burpee Box Overs (24")
1 x Legless Rope Climb

Gogogo all the way on this one. Went unbroken on the dumbell and kept a solid pace through the box overs. Legless climb also went well to finish in 3:34.
Wednesday was an abject failure really. Woke up not really feeling 100% and in the end stopped mid workout and pulled out. It wasn't worth pushing myself through and potentially doing damage. Training is only training after all.

Spent the remainder just stretching and on the roller.

Have got a nice little video of my handstand walk practice to go up. Give anyone following this something to watch!
Team Workout Friday was a different take on team Murph.

"Murph Demarcation"

40:00 Teams of 2/3

1000m Row Cash In

  • 800 meter Run
  • 50 Pull-Ups
  • 100 Push-Ups
  • 150 Air Squats
  • 800 meter Run
  • 30 Pull-Ups
  • 60 Push-Ups
  • 90 Air Squats
  • 800 meter Run
  • 20 Pull-Ups
  • 40 Push-Ups
  • 60 Air Squats
  • 800 meter Run
1000m Row Cash Out

This was good fun, in a team of 3 meant it was more of a casual workout which was exactly what I needed. We finished it off in roughly 35:00.

Then 1 rest day before hitting 19.3 on Sunday.
Sunday and Crossfit Open workout 19.3

WOD 10:00

200ft Walking Dumbell Lunge (1 x 22.5Kg)
50 x Single Dumbell Box Step Ups
50 x Strict Handstand Pushups
200ft Handstand Walk

Soooooo lets get one thing straight. I was never going to get to the handstand walks, which was a shame. That volume of HSPU strict was always going to be a huge issue.

The lunges went well, a few little wobbles but got them done. Put my grinding head on and got through the step ups and my split at the end of this was 6:23. So I had just over 3 minutes to crank out as many strict HSPU's as possible. Shoulders seemed to die really really quickly and I managed 18 before hitting cap. This years standard was extremely hard to maintain under fatigue. But overall very happy with how many I completed.

You know you have fitness friends when just after you finish they tell you to stop and flex because the trap pump was real. Excuse the face!

This also shows my physique as it currently is. Never thought I would ever look like this, and definitely look better in my 30's than I did in my 20's.
Today's hero workout was

"Hotshots 19"

40:00 6 Rounds

13 x Air Squats
19 x Power Cleans (60Kg)
7 x Strict Pullups

400m Run/Row/Ski or 1.2Km Bike

I alternated Run/Row/Ski twice. Got all the work done in 37:23. Tried to use a wider grip on the cleans to practice a slightly different method of cleaning, it seemed to work well and will play around with it on heavier lifts.

Continued to practice handstand walking but currently shoulders are really tired from 19.3 on Sunday.

Had my monthly session with the Sports Therapist and she went to town on my quads, hams and calves. Feeling pretty tender right now!
Feeling slightly drained this week. So Tuesdays session was taken a bit slower.

Warm Up 10:00

20 x Burpees
30 x V Ups
40 x Single Arm Push Press (22.5Kg)
50 x Cal Row/Bike/Ski

The warm up is taking a very WOD like approach today. Got through quite comfortably and used the Ski for my 50 cals. Still taking time to get myself on it.

Bench Press
Every 2:30

15 - 12 - 10 - 7

For Max Load

Hard set of bench press. Trying to judge the weight correctly was tricky. I managed to go 70/DNF/65/65, the set of 12 I failed at 72.5Kg on the 9th rep.

WOD 6:00

10 x Thrusters (40Kg)
10 x Overbar Burpees

A short and disgusting sprint workout. Hit 3 rounds + 12 reps by the end.

More sleep needed!
Athlete session Wednesday was a team affair.

Teams of 3

50 x Target Burpees
15 x Snatch (80Kg)
50 x T Burpees
35 x Snatch (70Kg)
50 x T Burpees
50 x Snatch (60Kg)

Fast and furious cycling of reps. Rotated in 5's for the burpees and the snatch's were singles between us all. We finished in 17:49.

5:00 Rest

For Time

15 Rounds - I go, You go.

5 x Box Overs
2 x Ring Muscle Ups
3 x Chest To Bar

No time cap at the end, we made a bit of a game of it. Sprint to the box, do the box overs, then the rig work and sprint back vaulting over the box to tag your partner. It felt good to cycle some muscle ups as it has been a little while since I have done some.

Thursday rest day, nearly time for the 19.4 announcement. I wonder what we will get this week.
Friday was a team workout which I scaled back a bit due to the Open Workout the following day.

Teams of 2


3 Rounds

800m Run
60 x Power Snatch (40Kg)
40 x Box Jumps
20 x Overbar Burpees

I scaled the weight and movement of the power snatch to 30kg Hang Cleans. We moved well through the workout and finished in 33:13.

More handstand walk practice followed!
Open Workout 19.4

I actually really enjoyed this workout. Probably my favourite of the season so far.


3 Rounds

10 x Snatch (Any Variation @ 42.5kg)
12 x Bar Facing Burpees

3:00 Rest

3 Rounds

10 x Bar Muscle Ups
12 x Bar Facing Burpees

So this was great fun, I paced myself quite well to finish the first 3 rounds in 4:27 then maintaned good form through my muscle ups to finish the second round by the time the cap hit. So a total of 110 reps with just the third rounds work left to do.

After all the submissions and 4 workouts in I am sat at 1509 out of 10,200 in the UK. Which is great for me.
Hero workout Monday, post first night shift.

"Felix The Cat"
6 Rounds - 20:00

9 x Burpees
9 x Box Jumps (24")
9 x Pullups
9 x Thrusters (40Kg)
9 x Toes to Bar

*Weight Vest Optional*

Thought I just wanted to cruise a little bit, ended up slinging my vest on and got down to business. It sucked. Every one of these movements is so awkward with an extra 10Kg, I managed to work through and completed 5 Rounds + 14 at the cap.

3 Rounds 7:00

25 x Situps
15 x Hollow Rocks
5 x Candle Sticks

Usually this wouldn't be too bad. But today after the hero WOD it was horrible. My core was totalled by the time I got to the first set of hollow rocks!

More handstands done after training.
Tuesday work, post second night shift. Mini meltdown occurred.

36:00 E3MOM

1. 12 x Alt Dumbell Snatch (22.5Kg)
12 x Dumbell Clean & Jerk
24 x Cals

2. 15 x Deadlift (60Kg)
15 x Front Squat
15 x Shoulders to Overhead

3. 100 x Double Unders
20 x Box Overs (24")
3 x Rope Climbs

4. Rest

Probably the worst kind of workout for me while tired and just wanting to move. Not going to lie half way through that first 3:00 I mentally shut off and pretty much phoned the rest of the workout in. Just bimbled through the 36:00 and got a bit of a sweat on and didn't go too hard. Not much to say about this other than it just sucked.

Did more handstands and really feeling as though my progress is good. Getting better every time.
Going well still - excellent work on the Open.

Has to be Thrusters tomorrow in 19.5 for sure!

Oh look....all the Thrusters and C2B!

Wednesday evening Athletes session.

Teams of 2

5km Row
400 x Double Unders
300 x Situps
200 x Overhead Squats (40Kg)
100 x Box Jumps

So much volume! Finished the row in sub 18:00, did the double unders in sets of 20, situps in sets of 10, overhead squats in sets of 10 and then we were going to try and get sets of 10 box jumps in but ran into the cap after 22 box jumps.

Had a good laugh through this workout, the situps went on for a very long time! Really good atmosphere between everyone.
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