Jimmy Savile - Sexual Predator

Well said Housey, I am really glad you are not a rape apologist, too many times I have been disappointed by otherwise upstanding decent guys who go on to have terrible opinions on rape and women.
Sir Jimmy Saville dead!!!!

What a guy.

Although he never fixed it for me his charity marathons raised 100,000s for charity hospitals which ultimately saved many lives.
People get stabbed because they walk down the wrong road, deemed wrong because some dickfister is on it with a knife, they should have taken responsibility for being stabbed. Some kids go to school and a bloke comes in with a gun and shoots them, stupid kids, flack jackets and this would never happen. Some young lad is out with his mates and some thug decides to glass him because he knocked his pint over, stupid young lad should know not to knock a thugs pint. Because it never happens, right?

You really need to stop being silly on the Internet and whilst I can understand the point you are trying to make I disagree when some Internet person makes it in the same way I do when a judge makes it. I wouldn't take advantage of a drunk girl who is dressed in a way that makes my willy hard....and I say that having had the chance a few times because I have self control and respect, even when I'm smashed off my face. Defending scum that don't is not something I feel able to do and the whole "she was asking for it" show the people who feel that need to have a word with themselves in my book.

The fact it happens show the problem not the reason.

Okay, firstly you're taking the position of me having said they deserve it, or only have themselves to blame for it if it happens due to the way they are dressed.

I didn't say that, so cut it out. There are people with issues out there who think it's okay because the girl is wearing next to nothing. These people exist, and they use this as an excuse, reason or justification to do what they want to do.

Where the hell did I say "she deserves it", or defended the people who've done it? Can you point that out for me because I can't see it.

Your examples also are poor and don't work. Knocking a pint by accident isn't generally something that takes a concious effort. Dressing in next to nothing, being smashed drunk and staggering around is putting yourself at risk when you know there are people out there that take advantage of people who are in that situation.

Again, they don't deserve what might happen to them, the fact that they are risking their well being whilst in that state doesn't change, and why is it such an issue to point that out? It's simply not a sensible thing for them to be doing, you might live in fairytale land where you think and strongly suggest that a woman shouldn't have to be concerned with how she's dressed, where she is, and what state she's in could be a risk to her personal harm, but that's not the reality of it.

Do yourself a favour and take note of what I'm actually saying, notice that I'm not entirely talking about clothing worn, note that I am talking about multiple things. Being smashed drunk, staggering around in quite a vulnerable state. It'd be great if that wasn't something we'd need to worry about, but that's not the real world.

Well said Housey, I am really glad you are not a rape apologist, too many times I have been disappointed by otherwise upstanding decent guys who go on to have terrible opinions on rape and women.

Cut out out you utter man child. What I've said, what you're saying I've said, are two very different things. Also that ridiculous image you posted? It's idealistic nonsense, the world doesn't work like that. The guy's implying that the perp is never blamed for their actions, which is absolute nonsense for one. Some people act like it would have been the girl's fault, I'm not saying anything of the sort and yet you're sperging out over what I said suggesting I did say it was her fault.

Why should I pretend that the girls who put themselves in that situation aren't taking a risk when we know there are people about that would do that? Complacency? Complacency doesn't mean it's her fault, it does however mean that there are steps people should take to make sure they're not making themselves vulnerable being in that sort of state.
I love the difference between the first few pages of the thread, with a moderator deleting posts left right and centre for what I can only assume were comments regarding the rumours about Jimmy.

It just shows that even a year ago in the modern internet age it was considered 'wrong' to say anything bad about Sir Jimmy. Imagine what it was like for the victims in the days before anyone had anything like the kind of information we have access to now. No wonder no-one would dare come forward.
As i walked into my 13year olds bedroom i tripped on an 8 inch long brown object with a wet end. Shocked and disgusted i confronted her when she got home from school. What do you call that? I asked. Ashamed she replied sorry dad it's my vibrator. Thank xxxx for that i said. I thought it was jimmy savilles cigar!
I felt my IQ dropping whilst reading that drivel.

I've got to admit a certain amount of surprise that "in fact Saville instigated the DJ disco genre solely to gain access to boys" - I'd personally thought disco started some time in the 1970s in America but now I find out it was purely the work of one man in England...
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