Good luck to them.
Even though the money would come from the Health Service and not the Saville estate? ie, the taxpayer?
Good luck to them.
[TW]Fox;22952106 said:Even though the money would come from the Health Service and not the Saville estate? ie, the taxpayer?
Yes, if they are liable then why not?
Yes you're right. No way.
It's fake.
How do you know?
How many is "many"? How many is it when compared to the number of rapes? I agree that false rape allegations are serious, however the links you have posted seem to suggest that it is being dealt with. I would however hazard a guess that number of false allegations pale into insignificance next to the actual ones.
The problem is that rape will often come down to "he said/she said" where there will be little chance of a successful prosecution so no case will go to court.
Then there will be the many women that don't report it because they are raped by husbands or partners or they don't want the stigma attached to being a rape victim.
What ever way you cut it, regardless of the actual figure, an awful lot of women are raped, even 1 in 200 is a pretty horrendous figure.
Seriously? If we really want to point fingers it should be at those few occasions where rape is falsely reported? As opposed to the many cases where rape actually happens?
[TW]Fox;22952132 said:Just seems odd that it might be the taxpayer who pays for his crimes.
There are hundreds of people coming forward now so I think it's unlikely they are all lying. What made this ring true for me was the reaction of the family. They didn't even try to defend him, instead they simply sent his gravestone straight to a landfill. That would be odd unless they knew, or had a good idea of what he had been up to.
[TW]Fox;22952243 said:They claimed it was fake on last nights HIGNFY IIRC.
Dig him up and stick his head on a pike.
break the BBC up and stop public funding for it let it stand on its own by merit alone!
Men will be arrested on the basis of an accusation, even without evidence.
Men are assumed to be guilty until proven not guilty, and the fact they are not allowed anonymity further reinforces that.
Men, will, even if found not guilty (or if the charges are dropped) forever have that "is he really a rapist" question hanging over their heads.
Women do not see the same severity of sentencing when they are found to be making false allegations, even though they may have destroyed someones life in doing so.
Women are often seen as the fairer sex, and more believable - someone crying and appearing upset instantly makes onlookers feel concerned, and as we know many women are capable of 'performing' in such a way.
If a woman is very drunk it is assumed that she cannot give consent and the CPS even state in their guidance that this can be "long before losing conciousness" impying the individual will still have cognitive function. If a man is also just as drunk, why then does he become responsible for what happens in the bedroom?
So my question is - how many of the convicted rape cases are from false allegations? We will never know, but if a man has no way of proving where he was, even if he is totally innocent, he could go to jail - and if you do some googling there are plenty of cases where this has happened.
Even if the false allegations do pale into insignificance, why are they not treated as harshly when they are found?
We see the same thing with parental rights. The law normally sides with the mother and the father gets kicked out and has to pay child support. Now why is that? When my sister got divorced her friend advised her to say that her soon to be ex husband hit her and the kids and if she did, she would be assured custody. She wasnt the only 'friend' to advise that, and unfortunately she would not have to offer any proof - they would just take her word for it.
Fortunately she did the decent thing and made no such false allegations.
lol have you seen what what tosh the BBC had on!
BBC is poor tv and we are forced to pay
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