Jimmy Savile - Sexual Predator

No smoke without cigars . Definitely not innocent. I just have a gut feeling. Just something not right about him. Always thought he was dodgy. Oh aye clunk click every trip. Now I know what he was on about! The dirty imp!! The BBC were in on it too. evidence is clearly irrefutable (whatever that means!) because it's even on above secrete.com. It can only be a matter of time before Boris Johnsons mum comes forward and tells us that she was raped by Jimmy Saville in 1963 :D;)
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Yeah what is there that's wrong with that? I've heard a lot about what goes on with would-be groupies in hotels and at the back of the stage. What's your point?

I think the important difference there is groupies (whether under age or not) are throwing themselves willingly at their celebrity idols, whereas it seems Saville used his celebrity status to force himself upon unwilling participants.

So really in this case, the 'under-age' bit, though great for salacious news reporting, is not totally relevant as pointed out, probably plenty of celebs/band members have slept with girls under (and over) 16, what is more important is the fact he pushed himself upon these women without their consent.

Hell, Bill Whyman (Rolling Stones) started dating Mandy Smith (one of his future wives) when she was 13 and he was 50...consummated when she was 14! Why isn't everyone baying for his blood? Or Elvis, as he was famously attracted to under age girls too *shrug*
Is anyone actually missing the main point of this ? He is DEAD ! What can they do to him to make him pay for what he did or didn't do ?

Crikey! Sir Jimmy's dead?

Well I suppose that's that then. No need for a criminal investigation or to compensate those affected if indeed the allegations are proven true.
Is anyone actually missing the main point of this ? He is DEAD ! What can they do to him to make him pay for what he did or didn't do ?
Is anyone actually missing the main point of this ? He is DEAD ! What can they do to him to make him pay for what he did or didn't do ?

"pay attention, 007...."

ethan said:
I didn't I always thought he was bonkers though he looks positively evil and a little like Gene Hunt in this picture:

Same. He is definitely not quite right. Yes, he would have me in stitches occasionally, but at the same time I was always slightly scared of him when I was a kid.
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