Joe Rogan and Spotify

Excuse me? It was a rebuttal re: layman's being unable to debate an expert, explaining how RFK uses scientific research (however dubious) to further his case.

How that relates to me falling for a grifters nonsense I'm unsure, but I suspect your ability (or lack of) to interpret text is as good as your ability to put forward a rational point.
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I used to watch JRE a lot when it was on YouTube right back into the early days, I stopped when he moved to Spotify, I don't use it and don't care enough to make the effort.

They by and large were never meant to be Ted talks or university lectures, just hopefully interesting people talking about interesting subjects even the episodes with Hancock were interesting even if 80% of what he claims in my opinion is utter rubbish.

People like RFK I used to believe must be controlled opposition, then you get older and realise, no there is just a whole load of people in positions you wouldn't expect that are gullible and dumb.
indeed - you can see the demographic his material must be directed at, even the use of the word expert (in his own lunchtime) , all, red flags,
or, does Rogan mock his own show
Man that shark attack was so brutal, it was hard enough to get out my mind the first time i saw it a month ago. I cannot comprehend the terror the guy must have felt initially as he realised what was going to happen.
And the prize for oxymoron video title of the year goes to JRE

I just think you should stick to CNN, you obviously aren't interested in hearing people with different views and perspectives, why let things like this bother you? Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, Andrew Tate, Tucker Carlson, etc just aren't your cup of tea, we get it.

I don't believe in intelligent design either, but I found that video at least some what interesting.
I just think you should stick to CNN, you obviously aren't interested in hearing people with different views and perspectives, why let things like this bother you? Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, Andrew Tate, Tucker Carlson, etc just aren't your cup of tea, we get it.

I don't believe in intelligent design either, but I found that video at least some what interesting.
I’ve noticed something similar with a friend of mine. Actively dislikes the bbc and likes telling our group regularly but still watches it. Bizarre
Yep I don't think the purpose of the show is that he agrees with every guest that he brings on. He just gets interesting people on and chats for a few hours - people can then chose to listen to it or not. I'm amazed people get upset about it!

They are classed as "experts" because a lot of them have researched and then wrote a book about the topic - I've not done either of those so I'm not an expert :) It doesn't mean that what they are saying is definitely factual correct still!
I just think you should stick to CNN, you obviously aren't interested in hearing people with different views and perspectives, why let things like this bother you? Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, Andrew Tate, Tucker Carlson, etc just aren't your cup of tea, we get it.
we just want to see an intelligent interview of these people and their view point rather than a sycophantic, laborious love in - a 3 way interview with someone from opposite camp might be good,
people watching maybe haven't watched a paxman interview , ivy league debate, or, even question time as a point of reference.
Would you say the same for an expert in numerology, or feng shui?

If they were on a show and trying to use now outdated data from JWST to prove their nutty beliefs I'd call it out. People can believe what they want. Calling someone an expert in what is clearly nonsense is stretching it to say the least.
we just want to see an intelligent interview of these people and their view point rather than a sycophantic, laborious love in - a 3 way interview with someone from opposite camp might be good,
people watching maybe haven't watched a paxman interview , ivy league debate, or, even question time as a point of reference.

Well, if that's what you want, you're going to have to wait a long time to see it from Rogan on a regular basis.

He's not interested in doing a podcast like this as it will probably slowly kill off his audience and limit the range of guests he can have.

He's done it once in a while and the show just turns into chaos as these people often turn into man-children when challenged. For example, the podcast he did with James Wilks and Chris Kresser. There was another one with Michael Sherma and Graham Hancock I believe that ended up the same way.

This is the top comment on the official Reddit thread for that podcast:

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I just think you should stick to CNN, you obviously aren't interested in hearing people with different views and perspectives, why let things like this bother you? Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, Andrew Tate, Tucker Carlson, etc just aren't your cup of tea, we get it.

I don't believe in intelligent design either, but I found that video at least some what interesting.

Put your pearls down Roar, you'll break them if you keep clutching them that tightly. My issue isn't having this guy on his show, no I won't be watching it, just like I wouldn't watch it if it was a flat Earther, I just found the title laughable. If he has an actual astrophysicist or cosmologist on to discuss the JWST I might watch it if it pops up on my feed. Just because I don't like that list you produced and think some are actually dangerous to society doesn't mean I can't comment on them, I'll comment on who I please. If you don't like it there is always the ignore button.
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