John Lewis 5 Year TV warranty experience?

8 Jun 2006
Hi All

We purchased a Samsung Series 6 55” tv in 2016 John Lewis Welwyn and I’ve recently noticed some white marks on the bottom corners of the tv, so I dug out the receipt and I’ve been talking to them about the issue

What are peoples opinion of JL warranty? I’m not sure they’d be able to repair without changing the panel but I’m no expert?
JL customer service and warranty is usually bloody good.
They’ll either have a repair option if available (if they do, ask for a loan TV) or like-for-like swap.
Loan is a good shout!

so a like-for-like would be a similar model of size and value?

My sister in-law has just had a loan sofa from them because they’ve delayed their sofa order. A loan sofa... who’d a thunk it?!

Yes, should be of similar size, specs and value.
So they are going to collect this Friday but can’t confirm a loan from the service centre til the day of collection :(
I used to think that it was good, they did replace the panel on our 50" Plasma TV with no issues after it developed a thick black line down the screen.
Contacting them a year or two later, still within the 5 years warranty, due to the FreeView EPG guide no longer being populated (fault with a "board" on the TV apparently) and after the engineer came out and assessed it and confirmed that the TV had got a fault, but they could not repair it JL decided that the EPG was not actually a function of the TV covered by their warranty...!!! They refused to do anything.
We told them that we used the EPG and setup the TV's recordings from it. They would not budge tho.
I did use the Citizens Rights place who helped me to draft a letter detailing what I wanted and why and was prepared to do was was required to get that resolved.
Eventually they conceded and offered us a Humax Freeview box as a recording device. We accepted, perhaps I should have held out and pursued the claim for them to replace the TV with another or refund.

Since then we have bought from RS.

FWIW their ratings on Trustpilot are pretty dire, whilst RS are somewhat impressive...!
The support team over WhatsApp seemed nice enough, although text can seem harsh? I used to work for them years back in their warehouse/store in Welwyn and the were always deemed as customer friendly but times seemed to have changed I guess, I got my 40” sammy from RS in Romford before I purchased this in 2016.... never had an issue but didn’t have a fault claim so can’t comment ...
I'm about to find out, by 3 year old 55" B6 has developed a green bar across part of the screen towards the bottom of the screen with a light green blob in the middle.

Phoning JL tomorrow to see where I stand for a repair/replacement. Says in the paperwork that came with the receipt that it was a 5 year warranty so hoping they honour it
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I'm about to find out, by 3 year old 55" B6 has developed a green bar across part of the screen towards the bottom of the screen with a light green blob in the middle.

Phoning JL tomorrow to see where I stand for a repair/replacement. Says in the paperwork that came with the receipt that it was a 5 year warranty so hoping they honour it
As long as you have the original order number and where you got the device you'll be fine!

Let me know out of interest how your warranty claim goes ;)
JL Service centre called and bumped the pickup back to Saturday but said they had a loan TV to exchange with the faulty unit
2010 I bought a 40'' Samsung. It had one dead pixel. I asked for a new one which they got me no quibble. The delivery guys dropped off new one and took old one away, even said if any issues to get in touch with JL again.

That was then, don't know about now. That was normal warranty I think, not five year as didn't really care about the telly was just for bedroom.
I used to think that it was good, they did replace the panel on our 50" Plasma TV with no issues after it developed a thick black line down the screen.
Contacting them a year or two later, still within the 5 years warranty, due to the FreeView EPG guide no longer being populated (fault with a "board" on the TV apparently) and after the engineer came out and assessed it and confirmed that the TV had got a fault, but they could not repair it JL decided that the EPG was not actually a function of the TV covered by their warranty...!!! They refused to do anything.
We told them that we used the EPG and setup the TV's recordings from it. They would not budge tho.
I did use the Citizens Rights place who helped me to draft a letter detailing what I wanted and why and was prepared to do was was required to get that resolved.
Eventually they conceded and offered us a Humax Freeview box as a recording device. We accepted, perhaps I should have held out and pursued the claim for them to replace the TV with another or refund.

Since then we have bought from RS.

FWIW their ratings on Trustpilot are pretty dire, whilst RS are somewhat impressive...!

What is RS, thanks.
Spoke to the company that collected my TV last week and they said the screen looks to need replacing and might not be economically viable to do so, will have to see what they say later this week I guess
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John Lewis used to be amazing.. Used to be.

Recently (~4 months ago) our tv bought from them around 3 years ago has started developing an intermittent fault.. shuts itself off/strange sound issues every few days.
They have pushed us from pillar to post to avoid dealing with it. twice have told us to talk directly to the manufacturer to arrange repair - here is their number then hung up on us.. Manufacturer says repairs has to be arraved through JL.
Currently trying to work through their complaints process, not getting very far.
This will likely end up with our credit card company getting the money back.

John Lewis used to be amazing.. Used to be.

Recently (~4 months ago) our tv bought from them around 3 years ago has started developing an intermittent fault.. shuts itself off/strange sound issues every few days.
They have pushed us from pillar to post to avoid dealing with it. twice have told us to talk directly to the manufacturer to arrange repair - here is their number then hung up on us.. Manufacturer says repairs has to be arraved through JL.
Currently trying to work through their complaints process, not getting very far.
This will likely end up with our credit card company getting the money back.

Hi @samcat maybe my issue is a constant fault (large white spot bottom left & right of the screen) so could be more straight forward, god knows why JL are directing you to the manufacture though when you purchased it from their stores? Assuming it came with their standard 5 year warranty (which I can see isn't worth the paper its written on at the moment)

EDIT: On a side note if you had £900 to spend on a TV thats on the John Lewis website (not under 55") what would my best option be? Thanks
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JL are getting the screen repair company to replace the screen which was over £350+ so will see if this corrects the issue and they’ll drop it back next week
John Lewis used to be amazing.. Used to be.

Recently (~4 months ago) our tv bought from them around 3 years ago has started developing an intermittent fault.. shuts itself off/strange sound issues every few days.
They have pushed us from pillar to post to avoid dealing with it. twice have told us to talk directly to the manufacturer to arrange repair - here is their number then hung up on us.. Manufacturer says repairs has to be arraved through JL.
Currently trying to work through their complaints process, not getting very far.
This will likely end up with our credit card company getting the money back.


Yes, avoid JL now.

You can't even open a tv then return it any more. Such a joke
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