I don't understand why Capello is getting all the blame from the media, these are the same core players who screwed up under McClaren and Sven.
I remember when Capello was annouced the general feeling seemed to be 'if we can't win with this guy then maybe this team isn't as good as we think it is'.
Nuff said really, this England team just isn't good enough and has too many major ego's who can't play as a team. Don't blame the manager, he puts the best players out there and expects them to perform, it's not his fault if these supposed world class players arn't as good as they certainly believe themselves to be.
He's getting the blame because if the players aren't good enough, Capello, and no one else, should be dropping them, he isn't therefore its his fault.
As for Terry, he sounded like a captain trying to help the team yesterday, Capello sounds like an idiot who has no idea who the players are, what their best positions are, or why he took half of them.
Maybe the team just could all do with venting and some being told why they aren't playing. I don't particularly like Terry, seems to be a chav from a criminal family whose a cheating twit(off the field) but, he's talking sense in regards to trying to get the team going.
I give him more credit than the other players who were talking and realised some things needed saying, and then ran away like scared children when the time actually came.
Terry stood up, said some things were bothering the team and tried to get it sorted, other players all saw their place being pulled and sponsorship deals going down and had their agents deny anything was going on. Capello ran for the hills and refused to let the players speak, Terry, spoke up, and I give him more credit for that than the other players and managers from hiding from the tough questions.
I've been constantly slated for asking questions about a performance, being dismal, if it gets a win. I've been saying all along this that and the other need fixing, but because we win everyone here, and in general in the UK says shutup, we won, we'll be able to win later aswell(as if by magic I assume).
Its too late, but the way to win cups is not blindly refusing to question awful performances purely because you scraped a win. You need to find faults in games you win, and FIX THEM before you play better teams that will exploit those weaknesses.
Out of the England camp, I've seen a single person stand up and say he wants to talk and try and fix things, why we'd get on that guys back I don't know.