John Wick - Chapter 4

Not really, films are digitally delivered to the cinemas now, instead of reels, so they can and do, sometimes edit until the very last minute.
well I've got john wick 4 book for this Thursday coming, afternoon showing. so i see if they have added anything to the end credits.
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I'm looking forward to this, but probably end up watching it on BD as i've not got much chance to make it to the cinema at the moment.

Not really, films are digitally delivered to the cinemas now, instead of reels, so they can and do, sometimes edit until the very last minute.
in some cases after delivery, I seem to remember a few years back they delivered an update a few days after a film had been showing.

Also IIRC the way they deliver them digitally should make it relatively easy to change the credits or add something at the start or end.

It's sad to to hear the news, as I have enjoyed everything I saw him do, and given his relatively small number of major roles he did really well in them.
Personally I agree with @Smeghead. 3hrs is too long for most features, let alone an action romp. If it's all action, it could be exhausting. If it has more drama and story sections, people will complain.

I always keep an open mind, and will for this too. But it does concern me slightly.
I think it depends on the film.
I've seen films that have barely been 70 minutes long and it's felt like they went on for hours, on the other hand I've watched some that were 3+ hours long and I was surprised when I realised they were near the end.
It all depends on the story and pacing, there is no reason an "action romp" can't work at this sort of run time.

My only major complaint with long run times is that no film seems to be made with an intermission now, a lot of the old long runners had a specific point where they could stop for 15 minutes to allow you to pop to the loo, or restock on snacks, or simply get up and give your bum and legs a chance to recover from the invariably uncomfortable seating.
Not really, films are digitally delivered to the cinemas now, instead of reels, so they can and do, sometimes edit until the very last minute.
It’s not quite that simple. They already had the premiere, but then again it’s not unknown for premieres to show slightly different/unfinished versions. VFX is often the culprit.

I’d imagine for the OV (original version, meaning the filmmaker’s version being 2D, English generally) there will be something added. But then when you extrapolate all the other versions such as audio formats 5.1, 7.1, Atmos, maybe 3D (don’t know for this film) that’s before you even think about other languages (dubbed, subbed). Then there will be versions that have different runtimes due to censorship etc so you can’t just make the same edit. All in, For a tent pole release like this you’re looking at 500+ versions easy which all have to be checked (QC’d) before duplicating and sending out to cinemas. Anyway, I wouldn’t want to be in that team right now but I’d be very interested to know what happens.
well I've got john wick 4 book for this Thursday coming, afternoon showing. so i see if they have added anything to the end credits.
Let us know, I’m interested.
just read that lance reddick had completed his filming for his scene in the ballerina spin-off movie, so that is his last wick movie.

Well, it was sort of ludicrous but that's what the series is like.

Might just have been a screen specific thing (Dolby Cinema) but it was deafeningly loud. I feel like they should have issued ear defenders.
just got back from watching it 8/10, I'm not going to giveaway any spoilers, just say with that ending it can go either way, stay to the very end as there is one post credit scene. there was no mention in credits to lance Reddick passing.
Might just have been a screen specific thing (Dolby Cinema) but it was deafeningly loud. I feel like they should have issued ear defenders.

The imax was absolutely thumping, borderline uncomfortable loudness. But you could feel every shot in your chest which made it quite immersive in that regard :D

Well, it was sort of ludicrous but that's what the series is like.


just got back from watching it 8/10, I'm not going to giveaway any spoilers, just say with that ending it can go either way, stay to the very end as there is one post credit scene. there was no mention in credits to lance Reddick passing.

Im going to give it a 9/10. It had everything I wanted and expected from a wick movie.

The top down scene was just brilliant!!!
This is 169 minutes? A mindless action flick absolutely does not need to be almost 3 hours. Feels like they've completely buckled under the pressure of trying to make each film bigger and better than the previous one, Fast and the Furious style.

Yeah I love the John Wick films but 3 started to become just fight after fight after fight for hours and hours and got dull. Perhaps i am just getting old.
stay to the very end as there is one post credit scene. there was no mention in credits to lance Reddick passing.
Just got back myself. Was a bit disappointed to be honest, although the action in the last third was infinitely more interesting than the first two thirds. It definitely didn’t need to be that long, as expected.

Also, where was the post credit scene? We stayed until quite a way through the rolling credits but got bored :o It’s rare to have something after all the catering etc and they definitely went through 2-3 credit songs too :confused:
good .. long winded .. but used the tactical suit thing way to much and some of those fight scenes you can tell hes getting old ..
Yea at the very very very end.
Maybe I don’t go and see enough Marvel films but it really didn’t seem like there was going to be anything after 10mins rolling credits and 2 song changes! Shame I missed it.
good .. long winded .. but used the tactical suit thing way to much and some of those fight scenes you can tell hes getting old ..
Yeah I didn’t appreciate the suits much. Just meant gunfire didn’t matter much. Thinking about it that’s probably what made the fight scenes a bit like a slog at times.
Watched it last night pretty awesome non stop action all the way through. Some parts was far fetched and unrealistic even for Mr Wick but overall a good movie. Probably give it 8/10.

Yea at the very very very end.

Oh i missed it :(
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the post-credit scene is after all the end credits.

not going to descript the scene, but will give a hint to it. "remember what was said in the train car in Osaka"
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